chapter 7 hArRy BAbY

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*third person's POV*

After the incidence hiro baymax and (name) went to the police station to report the crime, How did it go? Well.......

"Let me get this straight, a man with a KABUKI mask attack you with an army of flying miniature robots?"



"Yeah he was controlling it telepathically with an nerico translator"hiro explained

"Aren't you going to do something about it?"(name) ask

"So mr. kabuki was using exp to attack you two and balloon man?"

baymax took a piece of tape from the officer then inflate his arm which had three holes trying to tape them up

"Your filing a report that you're flying robots was stolen?"

"No! I just thought they were destroyed, look i know it sound crazy but baymax was there to"

"Baymax tall him"

"Yes officer, he was telling the trRRrrUUtH....."baymax try to talk but he sound like he was broken

"What the... What's wrong with you?"

"Baymax are you ok?"

"Low battery...."

"... what?"

"I'm... Healthcare zzz personal baymax....."

When baymax was about to fall down (name) catches him just in time

"Kids, how about we call your parents and get them down here."

"What?!"you and hiro said at the same time

"Write your name and number down and we ca-"officer turns around to see you guys already left, dragging the tape though the closed door

"We gotta get home to your charging station baymax"hiro said

"But can you walk?"you ask

"I wiLL sKaN yOu NoW sCan cOmPletE, Ha hE healthcare...." Baymax fails down

*At the cafe*

you hiro and baymax got back to the cafe figuring out how to hide baymax from your aunt

"If my and ask just told her we're at school got it" hiro explain, you nodded your head but baymax....

"We JuMPed OuT A wInDoW!"

"You can't say that around the aunt cass, ssshhhhhhh"

"SsSssShhHhHhHHH...."baymax copys

When you and hiro when up the stairs baymax lift his foot but instead bump face first to the stairs

You both jumped in surprised and turned around to see if baymax was ok


"Hiro? (Name)? are You two home?"you two were even more freaked out when you both hear aunt cass

"Uhhh.... That's right!"you and hiro said at the same time

"I thought i heard you two"you two quickly went upstairs, trying to act like nothing happened with an awkward smile

"Hey aunt cass...."

"Hi auntie...."

"Look at my little college man, i can't wait to hear all about it!"

"WwEEeEeEeee!" baymax wobbly walk up to both of you while hiro tries to hide him

"Yeah weeeewooo!"aun cass just thought it was either you or hiro

While cass was talking and preparing the food you and hiro was trying to get baymax upstairs to hiro's room, it was a struggle but you guys managed to get baymax up the stairs

"The thing is...actually i registered so late i've got a lot of school work to catch up on"

"And.... I'm still thinking about enrolling the art college thing...ya know...."

You all heard a thump, you and hiro just assumed it was baymax so you try to think of something

"Mochi, grrr that darn cat you know" you awkwardly smiled but you see mochi cuddling up your leg

As cass turned around hiro grabbed mochi and throws him up the stairs

"Don't work too ha-"

"Thanks for understanding"you both said and quickly grabbed the plates from her and ran off

"hArRy BAbY! harry baby.....^w^" baymax petted mochi

You helped hiro carry Baymax back to his charging box

"Ok one foot out of the other" Baymax try to put his foot on the box, he got in the box and waiting to charge

While hiro lays down you sit on his chair

"This doesn't make any sense...."

"Tadashi"you both looked at baymax confused

When you both realize that baymax was looking at the tadashi side of the room like a sad kitten lost his mother and the only thing left behind was the mother's hat or something

"Tadashi's gone." Hiro close the curtains from his room

"When will he return"you looked at baymax and you almost feel bad for him

"He's a dead baymax....."you hug baymax with tears on your eyes

"It is ok to cry (name)"Baymax hugs you

"I'm okay now, thanks Baymax."

"Tadashi was in excellent health, proper diet and exercise he should have lived a long life"

"He would if there weren't a fire."

"Tadashi is here" when baymax was about to open a video hiro interrupted him

"No people say he's not really gone, it still hurts..."

"I don't see any evidence of physical injuries"

"It's a different type of hurt..." You and hiro switch seats

"You two are my patience i would like to help"

You looked at baymax who was putting his hand on hiro's computer like the screen is reflecting his stomach

"What are you doing?"you ask

"I'm downloading a data based on personal loss, database complete, databased include friends and loved ones"

Baymax lit up a screen from his stomach

"Contacting them now"

"No no no don't do that!"hiro tries to stop the connection

"Contacting complete"

"Unbelievable"baymax pulls you and hiro over to him and hugs you both

"Now what are you doing?"you and hiro said at the same time

"Other treatments include compassion and physical reinsurance, you will be alright, there there" baymax petted hiro's head

"Thanks baymax...."again you and hiro said at the same time while hiro push baymax off the huge

"I am sorry about the fire"

"That's ok was an accident, plus it wasn't your fault"you said

Big Hero 7 (big hero 6 reader insert)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang