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*Sorry for this in advance- XOXOXO*


Clarke POV:

I run around the room, avoiding the bullets being shot at me. One hit the wall and I duck. As I stand up again, I run towards the door, and then freeze.

"Lexa?" I look in horror at the bullet that was now in the middle of her stomach. She looks down as  well, her black blood coming down from her stomach. She looks back up at me in horror. Titus drops his gun and falls to his knees.

"Heda..." Lexa collapses on the floor and I fall to the ground with her.

"No! HELP ME GET HER TO THE BED," I scream franticly. Lexa lets out whines and raspy breaths as Titus carries her over and sets her on the bed. I search around the room in a panic.

"I-I need something to stop the bleeding!" Titus runs and I take my place next to her.

"It's okay just lie still!" I put my hand on the wound and she wraps both her hands around mine, breathing heavily.

"Dont be afraid," she says. I shake my head.

"You're going to be fine just stay still." Titus runs back with cloth in a red container. I grab the cloth and rip open her shirt, applying pressure to try and stop the bleeding. I pour water onto it, but it doesnt help.

"She's losing too much blood." I keep trying, panicking even more when I realize nothing is working.

"Stay with me," I whisper. I look over to see Titus unpacking a small container, and a red cloth containing knives.

"What the hell is that- T-TITUS WHAT ARE YOU DOING," I snap. I look back and forth between Lexa and Titus, not sure what to do.

"I will fix you just stay with me," I say, looking at her. Titus comes over to her.

"No stay away from her," I say, but he doesn't look over. He puts a hand in his hair.

"Forgive me, Heda." Lexa looks at him angrily.

"You will never again attempt to harm Clarke. Swear it," she says in Trigedasleng. Titus, looking guilty, sheds a tear.

"I swear it." Lexa nods, looking more content.

"Do your job. Serve the next as you have served me... Fleimkepa." I realized what this was. They were saying goodbye. He walks away, and I move closer.

"Hey, dont you dare, give up," I whisper. She shakes her head.

"My spirit will-

"NO," I cut her off.

"I'm NOT letting you die." A tear falls from her face.

"There's mothing you can do now... the next commander...will protect you," she says, her breaths getting shakier.

"I don't want the next commander!" My breath shakes, then the tear falls.

"I want you." Titus walks back over.

"Are you ready heda?" I look from him back to her again. I back up a bit, and watch as Titus takes some of her blood and smears it on his head.

"Clarke," Lexa breaths out. I come closer.

"I'm here." I run my fingers through her hair.

"Ai gonplei ste odon..."(My fight is over)

"No, no, I won't accept that," I say shaking my head. She smiles a bit.

"You were right Clarke... life is about more than just surviving." (Don't worry I'm making myself cry too) I start crying more as the silence grows. I then know what I have to do.

"In peace...may you leave the shore... in love, may you find the next... safe passage on your travels." I hold her hands tighter.

"Until our final journey to the ground... may we meet again." My voice breaks as her breath stops. I kiss her one more time, before sobbing and closing her eyes.

Ok so... what a scene huh. Hello, my name is Emma I am a freshmen and I am 15 years old. I love writing, so when I saw this idea I thought YES! (Go follow gaydjdino) DON'T WORRY THOUGH IN MY STORY I WON'T KILL LEXA OFF! Anyways since we're all crying, lets get to the happy story. XOXO- Emma

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