Down a Girl

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The next morning when Charles got up to shower, he noticed that Georgia had most of the bathroom staked out. There were five drawers, and she had taken them all for herself. While he was searching for an open drawer, Georgia barged into the bathroom, and with her red hair still in curlers, told him very crossly, "Please don't go through my stuff."

When he explained that he was just looking for an open drawer, she huffed at him before cleaning one out and left the room.

Charles tried on the grey suit his Aunt had given him. He winced, imagining being made fun of...

The pants were too short and exposed most of his calves; the top was tight fitting and made him look slender, and it had a slightly over-sized tie. He couldn't help himself from thinking that it was just girl's clothes made to look like boy's clothes. It didn't help that his hair was long for a boy, so he tried to slick it down into a particularly masculine style. The suit didn't come with shoes, but his square black leather sneakers didn't look too out of place.

He felt self-conscious walking down the stairs for breakfast until he saw what the girls were wearing. They were each in a gold-yellow maid's outfit with a white frilly apron and white knee socks. They looked like something out of Alice in Wonderland. Ms. Hughes was dressed more formally in dark colors. She pulled him aside.

"Good morning Charlie! So breakfast is in the dining hall, it looks a bit like a restaurant because... well it is. We serve dinner to anyone who comes in. Breakfast is less formal. We usually set it out and let the guests pick at what they want. By the way, I'd like it if you'd call me Ms. Hughes in front of the girls. I make them all call me that, and I don't want to show favoritism."

"Not a problem, Ms. Hughes," he said with a nod.

"Great, Charlie. You look handsome in that suit by the way. See, I told you it'd work out."

At breakfast, he noticed that the girls had all started calling him Charlie. He didn't think much of it, but it was odd, as no one had called him that before. Afterward, they all set about their chores. Charlie found it an odd fuss when Kate and Georgia changed into black and white uniforms to go and make up the rooms. Lilly stayed in yellow to do kitchen work.

Ms. Hughes sent him outside to mow the lawn. Which didn't sound so bad except that it was actually three lawns, with the side houses, and they didn't allow gas mowers in the historic district, so he had to use a hand mower. Thankfully the grounds were flat, so he didn't have to push the darn thing up hill. She also gave him a change of clothes, some light linen work clothes that almost looked like pajamas, but at least they helped him stay cool while he worked.

It was exhausting, and he found himself sore and covered in sweat by the end of it. He went up to his room, stripped off all his clothes but his underwear, and fell back on top of the bed. He spread out his limbs to let the heat out of his body. The main house was inconspicuously air conditioned, and it felt great.

Before too long, Georgia popped through the door.

"It's time for lunch." When she saw him stretched out and nearly naked, her eyes widened and she stood there stunned. Charlie was too tired to respond.

Finally she said, "And put some clothes on. Geesh, stinky boys." She spun away, and exited, slamming the door behind her.

After wandering around the grounds for the rest of the day, he walked into the kitchen where Lilly was at work laying out pans of food.

"Hey Charlie, you haven't seen Kate have you? She's supposed to help cook today."


"Just great. I suppose I can handle this all myself. But if we get many customers, this isn't gonna be a fun night." She let out a sigh.

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