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"Oxana get out here!" Came the demanding voice. She clutched her cup hard. She wanted to throw it right through the door at the annoying male voice that was there. She downed the rest of her coffee and flipped her long white hair over her shoulder. She moved toward the door pulling her hair up and tying it back in a ponytail. She pushed the short strands around her face back behind her ear.

"What do you want Misha? It's six in the morning." Oxana snapped opening the door. She was extremely irritable today. One it was close to her heat, and two Misha had been at her for days now. Well years really, but this was probably because their pack was having problems and they needed to decide what they were going to do. They were at war now.

"You're always up at the crack of dawn. I want to talk to you about the meeting." God he was so annoying, and to think that once she'd thought to mate with him. Well actually he was damn good looking. Definitely alpha material. Most would be lucky to have his pursuit, but it didn't quite ring right with her. Like he just wasn't the right fit for her. But it was hard to tell him that, and she didn't really want to have that fight. To say the things she thought and hurt him like that. Because really it would sound like she was saying she was too good for him.

When a female shifter hit heat, it was then that they normally searched for a mate. Males could get rather violent with each other. Even the females if they were spurned, but in wolves it wasn't quite so bad as other species. Mainly because they had a pecking order in their packs and it helped keep a balance of sorts. Still Oxana knew her bloodline was much sought after by those that knew. She wasn't going to pick anyone that didn't sit well with her.

She wanted one that cared for and loved her, not because of what she was. Which was Atcuian, the oldest and strongest bloodline of the shifters. Which was in danger of being wiped out by a man named Adam Gamstouchi who headed the hunting of shifters. He hated their kind with a passion. Not to long ago they had gone after another facility like they had when she was but a small child. This group she lived with wanted to stay out of it, but she knew that was foolish.

Well half wanted to, the other half wanted to fight. Plus they lived in a town that accepted them and some even knew what they were. Which was dangerous in itself, soon others would find out if they didn't keep it quiet. So what was the point of not fighting? Besides Adam and the others were going to come for them. She was already having visions and dreams about it.

"Misha I'm really not in the mood today." She told him, he had dark hair nearly black with a peppering of brown in it. His eyes were vivid and a kind of copper brown. He was muscled and in shape, typical for their kind. She was his height, which didn't typically happen. Female wolves were normally always shorter than the males, but Oxana was tall for a wolf.

She was slender, built to run you could see it with the muscle tone that she had. She was also told she was extremely good looking. She didn't really think so. She chalked it up to her bloodline, she thought that she was pasty and far to fair. 

"You've been in a mood a lot lately, just what is your problem?" He asked her and made her step back into the small place she lived in. It was a kitchen area, a living room, a bathroom and then a bedroom. There was a cellar, plus she lived on the edge of town. She never liked living on the inner parts, her brother lived just across the way. Dante not to far down from that above the apothecary, but she was pissed at him too right now so he didn't count.

"That everyone seems to like to tell me what to do. I can think for myself." Her voice was soft, and strong, but Oxana wasn't one to go for confrontation. She just wasn't a fighter first. Unless those she loved were in trouble. That was why it was so surprising to everyone a year ago when she'd darted in and attacked Adam herself. She had to otherwise he'd have killed Xie. Both Zavid and Dante had given her a sound tongue lashing among others. Zavid was just pissed because he got left behind. Dante because she stupidly put herself in danger like always. But she reminded him that he jumped right in after her.

Book 4: Wolf's MateWhere stories live. Discover now