Prologue: The Price Of A Gift

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*Author note- My mate series (Atucian Series) I am starting to update and edit these stories for publishing. By the end of this month I will be taking down some of the later stories fully. I will have Only Cheetah-Wolf (first four stories partially available after that) I am looking to publish this series on amazon self publishing. So as long as you have placed these stories in your library you should get a notification when I update. If you are currently reading, I am giving warning to the fact I will be taking these stories down for publishing. (Later stories such as Avian, Gamstouchi, Uni may be down by next week) I appreciate the support all of these stories have gotten. I have heard so much love from readers on this world I created and it's honestly amazing! I now as an author would like to start earning on my stories as one does. Please follow me, and your support and reviews would be awesome once they are up on amazon. I hope to try and have both paper and electronic available. Thank you again!

Chapter 1

"Ana." The young boy said moving over and shaking the thrashing form on the bed. The young girl who was thrashing had extremely pale hair. So pale it was nearly white. He felt a dryness in his throat because he too had been having bad dream. Those that could no longer be heard whispering in his ear all night long.

"Oxana!" He said in a worried whisper. His pale blue eyes glancing around the room and the silence that was there. His sister was crying horribly in her sleep, she always did. Her dreams were filled with horrible things, and for him his waking vision was filled with them. Oxana sat straight up violently. Then seeing her brother wrapped her arms around him as she sobbed. 

 "They died again Zavid. I couldn't stop it, they came.... They...." She sobbed into her brother's shoulder and he hugged her back.

"They have been talking to me all night. I'm scared, they say we have to leave." Zavid told his sister and she was shaking a bit. They were ten years old, and the last in a long line of wolves that claimed the old bloodline. However what they saw and heard coming had nothing to do with that blood. Everything to do with the fact that they weren't human.

"We have to tell father." Oxana said wiping at her face and Zavid gave a nod. Oxana moved around him and went into the hall. Her brother following. Instead of her going down the hall to her parent's room she went a different way down toward the kitchen.

"Are you sure?" They heard the deep voice which was their father. Both of them came into view and the small group that was there stood looking grave. They glanced at the two children stand.

"Papa, I saw them again." Oxana said and the images of her dreams came to her in horrible waves. Her brother grasped her hand and it steadied her knowing that he was there with her. She felt him there like an extension of herself. Oxana had inherited the gift of foresight from her line, to see future and past. Zavid her brother, well he'd inherited a similar gift but far more disturbing.

"What did you see?" Her father asked, he had nearly black hair and dark amber eyes. He came over and crouched before his daughter. She was extremely fair in complexion just like her brother. They looked like their mother in that way and their eyes, but it was their father who passed on the gifts. Though he didn't have it as strong as they did.

"Hunters, men with horrible weapons that tore into them," Her eyes shifted to those that were not her family. Then past her beautiful mother and back to her father. "into you." She'd been having this nightmare for weeks and each day it got worse and worse, and it was like a movie playing.

"The spirit was in my room again. He said that we must leave." Zavid added quietly next to his sister and eyes moved to him.

"Your children are sightseers?" One man asked awed, but cleared his throat. "Never mind, clearly we must go. I came to make sure that your family got out. They are moving through the entire village killing any that they come across. They are determined to kill us, and to kill your kind.

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