Chapter Eight: Pillow Fight

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~Stay Awesome ;)


I woke up the next morning from the feeling of being watched. Why do people always watch others when they think they won't noticr, or in my case; when they think they're sleeping.

"If you keep staring at me, I might start to get the wrong idea. And then you would have to sleep on the couch... what a shame that would be." I teased Jacob. I opened one eye and glanced at him through my lashes. He was lying on his side facing me with his elbow propped up holding his head. His hair was sticking up in places and some had fallen onto his deep blue eyes.

"Why would I have to go on the couch," he asked with fake hurt in his voice and a pouty lip, "That doesn't seem fair"

"Nothing's fair in the game of life." I threw my pillow at him. He caught it easily in his other hand and grinned at me. Great. Now I was pillow-less and I was being watched. He held the pillow close to his chest almost as if he was protecting it from me; which was absurd. I reached for it with my sleepy arms, but Jacob twisted his body so the pillow was even farther away.

"Ugh! Give it!!" I whined with grabby hands.

"Never!" he chuckled. I sat up abruptly-still blinking sleep out of my eyes-and glared at him. I quickly lunged at him trying to wrestle my pillow out of his arms, but -almost as if he predicted what I was going to do-he rolled so that we ended up on opposite sides of the bed again.

"Oh, so is this how we're playing?" I grinned slyly. I jumped off the bed and started walking around the bed and eyed up Jacob like he was my prey. His eyes widened and then he quickly got off the bed and started walking the other way. I lunged to the left and then ran to the right, psyching him out. Making it to the other side, I tackled him to the ground. We both fell and landed in a loud thud; he chuckled deeply. I moved and sat on top of his torso with my knees resting on the floor-caging him in-and attempted to pry the pillow from his hands. Before I knew it Jacob had flipped me over and then he was on top of me. He leaned in until there was only the thickness of the pillow between us, and put his mouth to my ear.

"We should play like this more often." Then he pulled slightly away-to look me in the eyes-and winked. He winked! I gasped and then hit him in chest with my palm. He snickered down at me and after watching me for a couple more moments his gaze flicked to my lips, but he abruptly sat up. I stood and brushed the hair out of my eyes and laughed.

"You wish." I winked back, and walked towards the bathroom. He mumbled something under his breath, but I was too far away for it to make any sense.

Before I even made it to the bathroom door, Eddie ran in my direction full speed and threw his arms around me. I managed to catch my balance at the last second before I fell on my butt. I laughed and held his body to my side. I was beginning to get used to the whole embracing action

"Good morning Dawn!" he exclaimed with a warm smile showing a dimple on his left cheek I never noticed before. I kneeled down to his level.

"Hey bud! How are ya?" I searched his eyes and smiled at him.

"Me? I'm awesome! Jacob made me cereal in the morning and it was extra sugary!! Mm-mm, my favourite." he rubbed his belly, "AND he promised that all of us could go to the beach today! We're going to have so much fun, I already know it! And-and..." he was practically jumping up and down by this point. "I wanted to tell you thank you. You were right about how I'm not alone. . . I realize that now," he started picking at his nail nervously . . . wow his emotions changed quickly. "I-I love you." he whispered.

Surprise shot through me like a bullet. I blinked back tears. Ugh, do not cry Dawn...hold it together, I thought to myself. I could get used to hearing that word more often, it made my heart swell. The word felt foreign to my mouth so it took a few try's to finally respond.

"I love ya too, bud." I hugged him once again and placed a kiss on his forehead. He reached up to wipe tears from my eyes that I hadn't realized fell. Dammit Dawn! I told ya to hold it together! I complained to myself.

"Don't tell Jacob, he might get jealous." I whispered into his ear and winked at him. He chuckled lightly, then turned slightly and walked to the couch.

With a sigh, I stood up and racked my hand through my hair. It got half way through before it got trapped in a tangle. I needed to brush my hair more, giving myself a mental note.

"Don't tell me what?" Jacob put his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. I lean against his chest and close my eyes to embrace his warmth. With a deep breath I turn around in his embrace and hold him out at an arms distance.

"Wouldn't you like to know," I say with a wink and then strut to the bathroom.


What do you think is going to happen next? 
Do you think Jacob is falling for dawn!?! Or are they just playing around? 

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~Stay Awesome ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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