Chapter Two: Death by Spoon

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Eddie and I were sitting on the couch, the one I was laying on only a few moments ago, when Clarisse came back into the room with a white plain bowl in hand. She placed it on the old wooden coffee table in front of us, and sat down in the brown, lazy boy recliner located on the other side of the room, with a big grin on her slender face.

"Looks like you've already made acquaintance with my son, Eddie!" She broadcasted.

I nodded slightly, and then I brought my attention back to the bowl. It was Frosty Os ;I've never been a huge sugary cereal fan, but I ate it greedily . . .not realizing just how hungry I had been. I was about to state my appreciation for the food, when I heard commotion coming from another room. I grabbed the nearest object I could find and jumped up. When the door began to open - my heart was racing a mile a minute -and I lunged with the object. I stopped myself seconds before I reached him. I realized that the person standing in front of me was the exact man that was in the picture, the one jammed in my pocket.

"What were you going to do? Spoon me to death?" The man laughed. I could feel the blood rushing to my face as I glanced at my hand. There, in my clenched fist, was the spoon I was using only moments ago. Before I could gather my thoughts, Clarisse interrupted.

"This is my husband," She stated awkwardly.

"It's so nice to meet the conscious version of you," he smiled genuinely. "You're welcome to stay here as long as you want!" I considered this for a few moments, but I knew that it would only end in a disaster. I needed to leave, and as soon as possible.

"Thank you. I appreciate your hospitality," I hesitated. "But, I think I stayed my welcome. Where ever I go, trouble seems to follow."

I was startled by how calm my voice was, even when it felt like my insides were screaming to stay. Take his offer-- my conscience insisted -- it's time to belong somewhere. I quickly shoved that thought deep down and without a second thought or response I turned sharply on my heel, grabbed my backpack and headed for the door. I could only imagine the surprised looks on their faces, but I couldn't handle getting close to another family. Not yet.


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