Chapter Three: Friend or Foe

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I was walking for a good ten minutes when I began to hear faint footsteps following me. Looking at my surroundings I noticed the café, so I quickly turned the corner and tried to mask myself in the shadows. There stood Eddie where I was standing only seconds ago. I came out from hiding and approached him.

"What are you doing here Eddie!?" I asked with concern."You can't be here! Your parents are probably worried sick!"

"Take me with you," he whispered.


"Please, I just -"

"You just what Eddie!? I can't take you with me! I barely have enough to live on my own. Just go home!" I raised my voice.

"Is there a problem here?" I heard as I turned around sharply to see a man towering over me.

He looked about the same age as me. He had long, brown hair that had begun curling around his ears, ocean blue eyes and straight white teeth. He was wearing casual clothing: jeans, a forest green t-shirt under a worn leather jacket and military boots. But, what caught my interest was the badge, hiding in a side pocket of his jacket. He was eyeing me up suspiciously and I was frozen . . .unable to move or speak. I was terrified. But, Eddie spoke up without hesitation.

"Oh! Don't worry officer," he must have noticed the badge as well. "Everything is peachy!" he said with a massive smile.

But the man didn't seem to hear him. Instead, he was staring at me with wide eyes; I had to have been seeing things because it looked as if there was a glint of worry in his expression.

"Dawn! Your neck!" the man gasped.

I peered down at myself, and saw the ugly red line just above my right collar bone and my stained red, tank top. When I looked back up I noticed his hand reaching out, as if to touch my neck, but quickly snapped it back down . . .and that was when it hit me, I knew him. I knew this brown haired, blue eyed man. His name was Jacob. Jacob Sturn.

The memories suddenly came flooding back into my mind. I was back in my grade 11 homeroom classroom. The mustard yellow walls that were peeling everywhere surrounded me. The tiny window to the right of me lit up one corner of the room and the gaping hole in the ceiling, that appeared half way through the school year, had everyone mysteriously wondering. Then there was Jacob, who sat just ahead of me, in the front row. He was a prodigy. Everything he did, he managed to do with excellence and grace. Everything came way too easy for him; he never had to work hard to do something perfect. He was the golden boy. The guy everyone wanted to be. The guy everyone wanted to be near. Before everything went downhill--and I cut everything and everyone out of my horrible pathetic life - he was my best friend.

I couldn't believe that he was actually standing in front of me. I was overcome with joy. He had grown at least a good foot, and seemed more filled out since the last time I saw him. Though, he must have noticed my change in expression . . .because before I knew it, I was wrapped tightly in his arms and there were silent tears streaming down both our faces.

"God, Dawn. Where have you been?"


Finally reunited!

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