Chapter Five: Moving In

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After we picked up Eddie –from what I’m glad I didn’t live in anymore –we walked to a large apartment building. As we stepped through the revolving door it revealed a lobby with a pimply man behind the front desk and an elevator off to the right. He barely glanced up from the magazine splayed across his lap to nod slightly toward Jacob, and then went back to studying the papers. I quickly walked to the elevators and pressed the up arrow. After several seconds, it dinged and the doors opened . . .I cringed as it revealed horrible elevator music. Jacob shuffled in first, Eddie and I promptly followed. The doors reopened once we reached the 8th floor. I took a deep breath and stepped out, and found my hand reaching out to take Jacobs hand in mine. He squeezed my shaking hand in return and lead us to his door. When we were finally in Jacobs’s apartment, I couldn’t help the smile creep up my face. Everything was neat and tidy, nothing was out of place. There was no clothing on the ground, all the dishes were washed and put away, the brown leather couch had all the pillows in their right places and all the blankets were folded. He hadn’t changed one bit. I released Jacob's hand and started looking around the place a bit more. I hugged Eddie to my side, silently telling him that we we're going to be okay now.

“I have a spare bedroom where Eddie can sleep. Dawn, you can have my bedroom which is just across from the spare bedroom, and I’ll take the couch.” Jacob said while he placed his jacket on a chair.

I nodded silently to him and letting go of Eddie, I opened up what I thought was the bedroom door.  But instead it was the bathroom and I practically squealed with joy. Shutting the door behind me, I turned on the shower, stripped down and got in. I was in there for a good twenty minutes scrubbing at the dirt and enjoying the hot water slap against my back. With a sigh I turned off the tap and grabbed for a towel. On the counter was a graphic t-shirt and blue pajama pants. The shirt was baggy and the pants were way to long, but it was better than my wrinkled black shirt and filthy track pants.  With a shrug, I opened the door and found Eddie with his hand up. He looked up in surprise and smiled.

“What’s up squirt?” I asked.

“Oh! I just wanted to know if you were done?” he asked.

“Yup, it’s all yours!” I answered.

I found Jacob sitting on the couch with his feet propped up on the coffee table watching some show I didn’t recognize. I sank down beside him and greedily took a neatly folded blanket.

“Thanks for the clothes.” I beamed.

He smiled at me and then returned to watching the screen. Hungry, I rummaged through my backpack, which lay on the floor at my feet,and pulled out the two apples and pastries. I left an apple and two cookies on the table for Eddie and gobbled down the rest. I didn’t even realize just how hungry I was. When Eddie emerged from the bathroom, I got up from my spot on the couch and walked over to him. Showing him the spare bedroom, I hugged him goodnight and made my way to Jacob's bedroom. The room was pitch black, but I somehow managed to find the bed and fall on the mattress.  

As my eyes started to flutter shut I heard a cough from outside the room and saw Jacob leaning against the door frame, his silhouette illuminated by the hallway light.

“You don’t have to sleep on the couch, you know. I don’t bite... and anyways this is your bed.” My voice rasped as if I had been sleeping for an eternity.

“That may be true, but, how do you know I don’t bite?” his eyebrow rose in question.

“Oh please, I’ve known you all my life. Now get in here before I change my mind.” although my voice came out confident, I couldn't help but feel my stomach flutter with anticipation. I rolled over to the opposite side of the queen sized bed so he had enough room to get in and closed my eyes. I felt the bed concave with his weight and could hear his breaths, slow and steady. I felt his warm breath against my neck and then his hand slid to my waist and pulled me against his body. My body was shaking and without realizing it, I had silent tears running down my face.
        "Everything is going to be okay now Dawn, I'm never going to leave you. Never again. I'm going to make everything better, I swear I will never let anything hurt you again." He whispered into my ear until I fell asleep, cradled in his arms.

I woke up with an elbow to the ribs. With a yelp I turned over sharply to see my attacker.  Jacob was grinning at me with a mischievous smile.

“Rise and shine!” he spoke with way too much energy for the morning. With a grunt I sat up, side glanced at Jacob who was still lying on the bed which caused his shirt to rise up revealing the v just above the band of his pants, and before my eyes bulgex out of my face I headed out the door. Waiting for me on the kitchen table was a feast. My mouth started watering just from looking at it. There were scrambled eggs, toast with peanut butter and jam on the side, bacon, hash browns, an arrangement of cereals, and juice.

“What’s this?” I glanced back at Jacob, who was now standing behind me.

“It looked like you haven’t eaten much for a while, if you don’t want it…” he began, but, I cut him off before he could finish that horrible sentence.

“Of course I want it!” I noticed Eddie already start to dig in, so I quickly sank into a chair and scarfed as much as I could down.

“It’s not going anywhere.” Jacob chuckled; ignoring him, I tried to figure out how to fit an egg, toast and two pieces of bacon in my mouth at the same time without choking.

When breakfast was finally over I helped clean off the table. Jacob had to go to work and Eddie and I decided to go out to find some appropriate clothing for myself and with money that Jacob left us. Clothing that wasn’t soaked in blood or so baggy that it fell off my hips every time I stood. 


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