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Welcome to my nightmare!! Have you ever heard one of those people at work or in school that never shut up? Well, guess what? I'm one of them! :). So what is this book about you ask? Will this is a book about my most inner thoughts, my feelings, my desires. Or in other words, this book is about whatever the fuck I wanna talk about. It could be anything. For example, video games, anime and manga, movies and TV shows. Anything or I could be ranking shit. r my own more personal views like my views on politics, my views on diet soda, or how bad the government is at keeping under control. This is a chance for me to get out all the shit in my head... and for people to be entertained. So don't ask questions, just listen. Or not! See if I give a fuck. Anyway, I should probably go write something for part one. Ciao!

                               -Michael Leavitt, Geek, Musician, Gamer, and Weeb/otaku

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