A mothers embrace

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I woke up to the sound of a flowing river and I opend my eyes .
The first thing I saw was the clear blue sky and I realized I was laying on the ground , I stood up and looked around.
I stood in the middle of a wooden bridge over a river , I couldent see wher the river ended or wher it began .
At the one end of the bridge was a forest ,just right at the beginning of the brigde and it dident seem like the forest was ending any wher as far as i could see.
On the other side was a house surounded by a field of grass and flowers ,since I saw no other way , I decided to walk towards it.

As I got closer to the house I startet to hear somepony humming a familiar melody and as I stood before the house the front door opened and a mare steped outside.

"Hello Nightshade " said the mare in a kind voice ,her white fur and red mane were just as I rememberd it , her eyes the same red as mine stared into me .
And as the tears slowly formed in my eyes I smiled and said " ....hello mother"

After five minutes ,of me crying into her chest , we walked inside and sat down with a cup of coffee .
"So my baby tell me how have you been" I rolled my eyes " oh please mom you already know that " she smiled at me shortly but then stroked my chest " you are such an idiot my little baby, your were not suppose to see me already, I will beat up your father once he gets here".
I chuckeld shortly and then looked up "mom I.." "walk with me Nightshade ".

We walked over the wide fields for a while before I finally hade the courage to speak" mom I'm sorry for what happend to you I wish I could have done something " "its ok my little baby it was never your or your father's fault never forget that".

My mother looked over the wide field before us ,her mane floating like a red river in the wind, she looked at me with her warm smile" you cant stay here Nightshade " I was confused by her words and asked " what do you mean mom hate to be obvious but I'm dead wher am I suppose to go?".
She dident stop smiling "it is not your time yet my child you still have a purpose in the living world " I thought about what she meant was it my children ...no they were grown up they dident really need me anymore .
Was it my wife hehe I wish it was but she was stronger then me I need her more then she needs me.
Since I died for my kingdom the only other thing that came to mind was...."Lullaby " my mother nodded" protect her, guide her she is important even more important then she knows ".
I wanted to ask more but I felt something strong pulling me away "mom what do you mean" every word hurt as this invisible continued to pull on me " she will bring some big changes son but she needs your help so go and tell your father to stop wearing the same cloths for more then 4 days he can wash them" she kissed my forehead before pushing me.

I fell on my back and I was draged over the ground then the bride towards the forest on the other side.
This force continued to drag me fast through the forest , I saw the tree branch to late and everything turned black.


Niiiiightshhhaa oh for the love of wake up dumbass

I opened my eyes but everything was still black ....no ther was somepony infront of me "Skaduwee nice to see you "

If you get us killed again then I swear I will haunt you in the afterlife

With those words he flew into my body and I could feel how life slowly returned to my body " I try but no promise "I chuckeld before I felt the lightning hiting my chest.

"Moondancer please try it again"

"I'm sorry Moonlight I did everything I could"

I opened my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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