Truth's and kingdom pt.1

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Do you know this akward moment when you have a talk with your family and nopony says something, take that ×3 and you have my situation.
"So your telling me that this mare in the cell is your ....was your wife and the mother of those two ?!" Moonlight pointed at Ice blade and Lunar night, I nodded and she looked at me angry.

Hahahah you messed up so bad

Skaduwee appeard next to me laughing , looked at him from the corner of my eyes wishing he would disappear.
"And why dident you tell me about her?" I looked at her "because I thought she would never return " .
Moonlight looked like she was about to punch me "YOU CANT JUST-" "father is right mom" we looked at Ice blade "Ice what do you mean ?" Ice blade looked at us "we havent seen her in 25 years and suddenly she appears, no your my mother my 'female creator 'died a long time ago " he talked with such venom in his words I feard he would murder Vita heart in a second "and when we are already talking about secrets I should tell you mine too".
He looked away and said "I.....will be a father " Moonlight and I almost fell from our chairs "what, when, who?" he blushed "her name is Bloming rose we are dating for 3 years now I couldent tell you because...well you are over protectiv when it comes two Lunar night and me" I looked at Ice blade and hugged him "its ok my son but now you will introduce us to her." He smiled and nodded "but as punishment we will embarres you twice as much before her" said Moonlight with a smirk .

After a little calming down we left the house to go to work "Night we will talk later "said Moonlight before walking away.

So what do you think will you have to sleep on the sofa for one or two weeks ?

I looked at Skaduwee ,who floated next to me with a grin, " will ther be one day you dont make fun of me?"

Nope that would be boring

He disappeard when I arrived at work , I walked inside and looked at Broad sword "good night Broad sword anypony ther yet?" he looked at me "you have a 'new' patient she is waiting inside".

I nodded and walked inside to see the princess siting on the couch "princess Lullaby i was wondering when you would come here" I said smiling and siting down.
"You knew I was coming?" asked Lullaby " more like I had a feeling now tell me what is bothering you ?" Lullaby layed down" well I noticed that someponys look at me with anger and disbelieve is it that they dont want me to be here or am I not what you all have wished for?" I looked at the princess sad" the king and queen dident tell you what happend 17 years ago am I right?" "No they dident but why is that important?".
I levitated a stack of papers to me and gave them Lullaby "here read this " "....ok"the princess took the papers "t-this are..." "my report of queen Luna's rescue yes".
The princess read my report in silence "I dident know what mother and all of you had to endure back then but I have one question, what happens to the changelings?".
I took my report back" after the canterlot wedding ,the changelings ,were thrown far into the Badlands ,two weeks after that the queen send a small search party to find them ,the found them after two months and brought them all here".
Lullaby looked at me "I want to meet them!" "if you want I can show you around".

After I told Broad sword we were closing early today I started to show the princess around "so tell me princess what do you think so far of the kingdom?" Lullaby looked around "its amazing what all of you build here with almost nothing and the most ponies are actully really nice" I was about to say something but I noticed something from the corner of my eye, out of instinct I let my bone wings grow out of my back, under immense pain and to Lullaby's surprise, I layed one wing over the princess and shielded her from the stone that would surly had hit her head.
I turned around and the three stallions who had flirted with my daughter stood ther looking at us .
When I looked at them the started to turn around and run, but I was having none of that today, I reached deep into the trick box of my powers and turned my body into gray smoke and air dashed after them.

I changed back right in front of them ,spreading my wings "so how about we go back and say sorry huh?!" I grabed ther ears with magic and pulled them after me.
"Auch" "aahhh" "that hurts" I pulled them back to the princess, who waited with a scolding look "Nightshade let them go right now" .
I released them and Lullaby helped them up "I know you all dont trust me and thats ok but I will do my best to show you all that I can be trustet , now excuse me Nightshade here was showing me around have a nice night" Lullaby smiled at them and signaled me to continue showing her around.
"Uhhh yeah thank you i guess" said one of them confused before leaving with the other two .
"What you did ther was very kind of you princess " Lullaby looked at me "yes miss Fluttershy told me to always show kindness" I looked at her "miss Fluttershy?" Lullaby stoped and looked at me"oh yeah she is one of the  elements of harmony ,she and the rest of the elements teached me the important things about friendship ".
"You are full of surprises princess is ther anything else I should know about you?" "Well I'm really skilled in medical magic , I almost never lie and I can do a little bit martial arts" I was shocked "never took you for a fighter" "I'm not miss Rainbow dash taught me the basics" I growled a bit at that name ,what the princess noticed right away " I sense a personal grude against her " I looked away and continued to walk "she is the reason why one of my friend cant live a normal life" Lullaby walked next to me "are you talking about mr. Broad sword what happend?".

"17 years ago when the day prancers attacked midnight mountain and kidnapt the queen, the wonderbolts, an elite flying team was send as reinforcement for them lead by captain Rainbow dash, she attacked both me and privat Broad sword, while I was lucky he hit a rock with his back and our best medic ,Moondancer, did everything she could but three bones in his back stayed broken, and on that day I swore to myself for that I will tear out her feathers one by one the next time I see her" Lullaby hugged me "its ok Nightshade but that will not help Broad sword I hope one day you can see that"she patted my shoulder and walked just to suddenly stop" ewwww I think I steped into something "she lifted her hoove to reveal a slime green goo "Thats changeling slime we are ther" while Lullaby quiekly shaked her hoove clean, I looked at the black hole with green glowing stone's before us" the hidden Changeling kingdom".

To be continue

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