Truth's and kingdom pt.2

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I cast a light spell and a little white glowing orb appeard next to me "stay close to me princess ,you can get lost here real fast" I said , Lullaby nodded and steped next to me.

We walked for three minutes quietly until Lullaby spoke" sooo Nightshade tell why does a soldier like you become a psychologist?" I chuckeld " well after a couple of years after your mothers rescue both sides got quiet no attacks, threats or sabotage so we soldiers had nothing to do and some of us thought we can help elsewher and pony's always seem to like telling me ther problems so I thought why not do that " Lullaby smiled "its nice to hear that some of you were eager to help others " I smiled but felt something and stoped ,Lullaby looked confused "is something wrong?" "We are not alone".

Something droped from the ceeling and rushed towards us , I was about to summon my scythe but I already felt two swords pressed against my throat "your getting slow Shade" said Cyani with a grin "are you sure about that ?" I said looking at her .
Two black tentacels stuck out of the ground each pointing at Cyani's head with ther sharp ends ,Cyani frowned "dammit ok we call it a tie " she stuck her blades away and my tentacels retreated into the ground .

"So what brings you down here?" asked Cyani ,walking next to us "ohhh I'm showing the princess around " I stepped aside and Lullaby shacked her hoove "ohhh its so amazing to meet you in person miss Cyani I heard a lot about you " Cyani smiled" the honor is all mine princess "

We continued toghether until Cyani asked "so how is Moondancer ?" I looked at her "she is doing good ....are you still against the wedding?" she hesitated and nodded "she is my little sister i just dont think ..." I pressed my hoove against her mouth "Night light may be rough around the edgeds but he loves her more than anything besides did Moondancer ever said anything against your little crush on Blackwood?" Cyani blushed "d-dont say that so loud!" Lullaby giggeld next to me

After a few more minuts of walking we reached the end of the tunnel "welcome to the changeling kingdom" said Cyani .
A giant hive like cave with countless tunnel systems lay before us ,changlings walked on the ground, the wall and even the celling , green glowing stones iluminated the cave in a strangly calming light .
"Wooow" Lullaby looked around with big eyes , Cyani chuckeld" come on I lead you to the queen".

Its funny ,most ponies say the changelings are insect like savages but actully they are just misunderstood and ther lifestyle wasent that different from us night dreamers, a few shops ,schools and medical rooms ther a few house caves here if ther werent this giant cocons hanging from the ceeling I would think ponies life here.

Right before the throne room we walked past a giant iron door "what's behind this door?" asked Lullaby, walking towards the door "No dont open it!" Cyani threw herself before the door "behind this door sleeps our most brutal und savage changeling force the 'Behemoths ' they are faster ,stronger and only listen to the queen and her children and they dont like to be disturbed in ther sleep".
Lullaby looked at the door and took two steps back ,I cought politly and said " I think we should go before something happens " and I wanted to move fast what I saw behind that door with my magic eye gave me the creeps.

We entered the throne room ,a green carpet layed from the door to the throne the celing was high, to high for me but I guess its needed for cocoons but the first thing I noticed were the 20 guards in the room heavy armour and weapons nothing I couldent handel in an emergency but still how can one pony need so many guards .
"Mother we have guest's " Cyani yelled and steped next to the throne "ahhhh if it isent Nightshade and is that little Lullaby my my you have grown quiet a bit " queen Chrysalis stood up from the large throne and walked down to us with grace in every step.
I bowed down while Lullaby looked in awe at the changeling queen "queen Chrysalis its so amazing to meet you I wanted to thank you for what you tryed 17 years ago ,without you I probably wouldent have a mother now" .
Chrysalis looked at the princess and began to smile a little " dont thank me child I did it mainly to gather food for my subjects but after we were blast into the badlands and got rescued by your people I got to say that I have found a very good friend in your mother" I leaned towards Lullaby "no kidding you should see them when they are in a room toghter ,I never heard so many plans to take canterlot in my life".
Lullaby chuckeld " well I'm glad that you and your subjects are safe with us and that your not the evil bug queen that I heard you were suppose to be " some of the guards made a step forward ,to punish the pony who just insultet ther queen ,but were stoped by me spreading my bone wings and a hard glare from Chrysalis.
Chrysalis looked at Lullaby and smirked" you got courage little one I like it" then suddenly Chrysalis bowed her head a little "you earned my respect princess Lullaby " Lullaby smiled and bowed her head as well.

After 5 minutes,who were filled with questions from Lullaby and storys from Chrysalis, a changling drone bursted in "my queen , my queen you are coming to late for the trial" Chrysalis looked up "is it so late already ,excuse me princess I have to go " before Lullaby could say anything ,green flames surounded the queen and she sunk into the ground and disappeard.
"Excuse me but what trial ?" I asked the drone "why the royal trial of that Vita heart pony ".
Lullaby gasped and I looked shocked "but her trial was suppose to be next night " Lullaby looked at me "Nightshade I need to reach this trial as fast as possible " I looked at her and nodded "wait I'm coming with you " Cyani steped next to me .
I charged my horn and in a flash of red light we were gone.

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