About bats and trees

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A/N:hey its me Nightshade because wattpad dident let me login in my Account I hade to make a new one so no this story is not stolen its the same only on another Account now enjoy

We were walking without a break it has been 7 hours after we started our journey and we still were in this Luna forsaken forest "can we sit down for a second I need a little break " said Night light with a begging look " we will make a break when we are in ponyville " said Moonlight looking around us ,I walked to her and ask "Moonlight whats wrong?" She dident look at me she observed every singel tree and whisperd " I think something  or someone spys on us" I looked around and for a second I saw a pair of eyes in one of the trees "I think your right "I said and gave a signal to the others that we continue.

After 20 minuts we all noticed that we were beeing watched it was also the moment Moonlight had enough "ok thats it we know you are ther come out and show your face!".
Something fell ,out of the trees ,before   us and looked at us with a big grin, a bat pony to be exact "well looks like you got me or did I got you?" Said the bat pony pointing around us and really 15 other bat ponys surounded us, armed with bows and arrows.
"Ohh great we are surounded by bat ponys" said Night light, Moonlight and I looked at him angry and I smacked him on the back of his head.
"Oww what was that for?!" he asked looking both angry and confused " bat pony is an insult for them and us" I pointet at Moonlight and me ,yes I forgot to mention I'm half bat pony, "the correct name is thestral" said Moonlight .
"You seem to know much about us for a day prancer" said one of the ponys, Moonray looked around "who do you calling day prancer you...!" Moondancer held Moonray back " calm down Moonray, we are no day prancers we are night dreamers " the thestrals looked confused but the spy just laughed "right and how do we know you are not lying?" .
"Because they are telling the truth!" said a deep voice, behind the spy, we all looked and a grey bat pony walks towards us, he was wearing the armour of the luna guards and he had a scar over his left eye.

I looked at him and knew who he was I stood straight and saluted "SIR!" I saw ,in corner of my eye, that my friends and the thestrals were looking at me confused " Shade dont emberass yourself what are you doing?"asked Moonray but I ignored him .
The thestral stood right before me and smiled "hmhm take it easy my son we are not in training anymore " everypony looked at us and yelled "SON?!" I relaxed and smiled a little "ok dad" "DAD?!" I looked at my friends and thought I have a little bit of explaining to do "guys meet my father, father this is my team" my father looked at them "my name is Night watch captain of the everfree thestral batalion its a pleasure to meet you all ".
My team recoverd fast from ther shock and greeted my father in ther own way, until Moonlight said hello "I am Moonlight captain of this team, so your Nightshades dad hehe I should have seen it sooner he has your coat" Night watch looked at Moonlight with and analysing look "yes he has but he has the hair of his mother so your miss Moonlight my spys told me alot of you " we all ignored the fact that my father just informed us that he spyed on us ,my father looked at me "I  see why you like her so much my son she has a strong yet kind heart" I dident know how red I blushed I just yelled "DAAAAAAD" Moonlight smiled at me the rest had already burst out in laughter.
My father just chuckeld "come follow me " so we did.

Skaduwee appeard next to me "what a family get toghter first day and he emberasses you instantly hahaha" I looked at him and rolled my eyes " oh haha very funny " Moonray looked at me "did you say something?" I looked at him "no no nothing " my father looked back at me and then right beside me wher Skaduwee was standing, could he see him but before anything else he looked away "well that was strange but I leave you alone now and dont emberass yourself " and he just disappeard .

Then we finally reached the hideout of the thestrals, everywher I looked,wooden cabins on every singel  tree ,a few tents were on the ground and everywher were thestrals flying, training and eating.
Night watch turned to us "welcome to the thestral hideout so how about you tell me now what are you doing this deep in the woods "

We explained everything about the queen ,our mission and our plan my dad dident say anything until we finished "thats terrible how could they do that? well if you want to sneek into canterlot you need an expert " Night watch knocked on the ground once and the spy walked into the tent ,we were in.
"I believe you already meet" said my father "what her but she dident even spyed on us good" said Moonray "ohh believe me if I dident want you to see me ,you wouldent have noticed me big boy" said the spy with a smirk.
"She is a spy personaly trained by me her name is lady silents and she will acompany you "said my father "do we have to?" asked Night light "yes we need her if we want rescue the queen before something bad happens to her" said Moonlight nooding at lady silents.
"Well I think you have time "said Night watch "and why?" I asked "because my spyes told me that a big event is going to happenin canterlot "  we looked confused at him "What kind of event?" my father just smiled "it lookes like the niece of celestia is going to marry".

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