Can Divit, September 2020 : "A Stranger in the Woods"

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Author's Note: I felt inspired after watching a particular scene in that show!


I wake up listening to morning sounds in the forest.  We're camping in the İğneada Floodplain Forests National Park and its exactly like in my dreams. 

I'm engulfed in Sanem's kokun, my children are waking me up to say they're hungry, I feel rested, rejuvenated and blissfully content with the world!

I'm engulfed in Sanem's kokun, my children are waking me up to say they're hungry, I feel rested, rejuvenated and blissfully content with the world!

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After we've had breakfast, Sanem is lounging in the hammock and the children are playing in the mud banks of the lake.  As much as I love them, I needed a bit of quiet time to myself and I tell her I'm off on a run and will be back in an hour.


Uff... why is this so difficult? It's not like I have a dad bod. I'm still me, Can Divit, Wander Luster, whiz kid extraordinaire, I tell myself... except now I'm a wonder-dad, husband and responsible human being!  Waiii... only with her and for her, I smile broadly like an idiot at my luck in life and wife!

As I'm running, in the corner of my eye, I see a guy  in the path, not exactly jogging but running like a freight train.  He whizzes past me and I yell after him. "Slow down, Man" ... "there's no reason to rush".

He slows down, pauses and catches his breath

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He slows down, pauses and catches his breath. "Sorry brother!", he apologizes.  I've caught up to him and we both stand there panting and puffing.  In that moment, I feel a strange empathy and concern emerge for this stranger. He's young, regally handsome, as tall as me, well-groomed and really fit with the nicest apologetic smile. Basically he is me from a few years ago.... trying to fight with the forest for all my troubles!  Before I realize it, the words are out of my mouth!

"What's wrong?" I ask him.

"What are you trying to solve by running wild in the jungle?", I continue.

He hesitates but then does a fuck-it, what do I have to lose shrug and starts talking to me!

"Brother, my life is a mess" ... "a total mess", he says.

"I'm a restauranteur and I just lost my first restaurant. I built her with all my heart and soul and now I don't have her".

"Add to that, I'm having difficulty with a new restaurant I've opened" ... "things are not going great".

He's rich with emotion and seems like he wants to lie down his burdens.  Don't I know it? I've been there, I had lost "Fikir Harika" and felt exactly like him only a few years back.

"I'm failing all the people that depend on me and I'm so disappointed with myself", he decries.

Oh wow... there's a lot to unpack with this one, I realize. I have a pay it forward moment and feel more than responsible to share my life story with him.


I've told him about bankrupting my dad's 40-year old business and how that affected me.  Gut-wrenching as it was, I remembered the only person who stood by me the whole time was Sanem. I'm almost afraid to ask him if he's got a woman in his life... and decide to unpack just his career.

I tell him that not all is lost. He's still him, he's still the same talent that existed and the heart and soul he's referring to, is him. If he was able to build not one but two restaurants from scratch, I ask him critically, why does he not believe he can build a 100 more in the future. I wisely share that it is a temporary set back, life has given him lemons.... and its either lemonade or champagne.  Being who he is, he's still got the chops to survive this and thrive in everything in life.

He brightens up a bit and asks me about my background. I tell him I'm a wildlife photographer, an Ad-man, husband and father... and future dog owner.  Immediately, he comes alive and tells me he's got a dog, an Australian Shepard named Tesla. He chuckles and adds that Tesla's the first commitment he ever made in life!

Ahh... is he married, now? I proceed to ask him about his relationship status. The man glows like the sun and moon all together at once and tells me he's in love with an incredible girl!  Finally... this is my specialty, of course!

"She's sweet, smart, caring, idealistic, funny, creative and the best thing that has happened to me"... he says gushing with love.

This is my moment and I seize it : "Man... the restaurant is not your heart and soul", I set the record straight. "She is.... your heart, soul & everything that is worthy in this world".   I tell him of my girl, Sanem, and how she was my only true loss.... and ultimate win in life! He listens to me silent and dumfounded at our trials and tribulations... and happy ending of course!


We have slowly walked back to camp where the munchkins are and I point them out to him. Sanem is catching a nap and angelic, I let her sleep.

"This is Life Man...", I tell him.

"Yes, you're right", he responds.  "I'm going to ask her to marry me", he adds.

I can't contain myself.... as I reach for his hands & shake it.

"Ozgur" he says.... I respond, "Can" and pull him into a hug!

All is well with the world!


Author's Note : Yup, I've been away... life happened. back now, I think 🤍🤞🏼

Can Divit : "Erkenci Kus"/Early BirdWhere stories live. Discover now