Chapter - 3 - A Blast From The Past

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Last time...

"You know there a girl named... May looking for you" I answered him

"isn't that the girl you like?" asked Calem

"Shhh....I.... mean yeah but she only she's me as her target to tease," Brendan said

"If you like her tell her, why make thing harder than it is" I answered him

"it's not that easy man!" Brendan said

"Red have you ever liked someone?" Calem asked me

"I don't have time for a thing like those" I stated

"then you won't understand, especially her... she might think I'm joking and laugh it off" Brendan stated

"whatever, you should go see, not an expert on people but I believe she thinks you're hiding from her," I said

"Eh?! I'll see you guys later," Brendan said and leaves the room

"I think I'll wrap up for today it's been a long day... need to catch up on some thinking..." I said

"Hm... Already?" Calem inquired me

"sleep is important" I stated

"Alright, alright night Red see ya in the morning," Calem said

"Yeah" I answered and we both doze off to sleep


With Brendan' POV

"Man, I looked everywhere."

After searching for hours I still wasn't able to find May. ahhhh I am so tired now

"I'll just say I tried to find her but it was like she was hiding from me!"

Then suddenly someone's wraps their arms around my stomach and surprised me with their familiar face....

"Aww I can't believe you gave up that fast!" May said

"Eh?! May!" I shouted

"where were you?" I asked her

"I was actually following you for a tad bit, I was wondering what you were doing when I finally found you!" May explained

" *awkwardly laughs* sorry... I forgot about our promise..." I said 

"No worries, I'm just happy to see you again!" May exclaimed

"So anyways what's been going on with you these past 3 years??? surely you got a girlfriend by now?...." May asked me

"Nah I don't have one " I answered

"Really?! back in Littleroot town al the girls were over you!" May said

Yes, they were but my heart was always for one girl that is talking to me..... you know what.... I'm going to do it Red...

"Yeah....about that there something I need to tel-" I get cut off


"We should probably head back. But what were you going to say?" May asked

Damn nevermind I can't do it.....

"Never mind it's nothing let's head back...." I said with a smile 

It's only the first day, don't wanna ruin things....

"You always do that!" May pouts

Man she looks so adorable.....

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