Chapter One

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"Miller," his dad said and started towards him. "I need you to get a physical before I can clear you to come back."

"What why?" Miller asked somewhat annoyed. He hated getting physicals. The last time he had gotten one was when he first joined the guard and Abby had done it and it was incredibly awkward.

"We don't have a physical for you and you told me the other day you had been out of breath lately." He explained but Miller didn't believe him. They would be going to war soon and his dad was looking for any reason to keep him home and safe.

"I was out of breath from running dad?" He said as if it were a question, "I don't have anything wrong with my health."

"Great bring me a physical to prove it. Until then you're dismissed." He knew there was no reason to fight with his dad. He would never win. He could talk to just about anyone but he could never seem to talk sense into his dad.

Miller angrily walked out of the training room. He couldn't believe his dad was making him take a physical. He had felt he had proved himself when he came to the ground without his dad but his dad still didn't trust him. Part of him knew it wasn't that his dad didn't trust him it was that he dad would always worry about him but that wasn't the part of him that was mad about having to take this physical.

He walked straight to Abby's office but when he got there, there was a man there instead. He had seen him around before and he had always thought of him as very attractive but he had never talked to him. "Can I help you?" The man asked.

"Uh where's Abby?" Miller asked. He tried to keep himself from staring but he found the man in front of him so beautiful. He was trying to discreetly check him out and he hoped the man in front of him couldn't tell.

"She's not here she's out on an errand but I can help you. What are you here for?" The man asked. He was leaning over the counter and his face was not far from Miller's own. He was just wearing a tight, dark grey long sleeve t-shirt but Miller thought the color looked amazing on him.

He realized he had been staring and hadn't said anything in a while and said, "I need a physical so I can go back to work."

"Okay have a seat. I'll be right with you. I'm Dr. Jackson by the way." He walked off before Miller could tell him his own name. Miller sat down in one of the chairs and started to think maybe his dad sending him down here wasn't such a bad thing after-all. The next thing he knew Dr. Jackson was waving him back into the doctor's room. Miller hopped up on the chair, sitting down and Dr. Jackson sat on a stool that had wheels, "Okay first I need some information. What's your name?"

"Nathan Miller but you can call me Nate or Miller. Most people just call me Miller." He had been nicknamed this before they ever left the ground. He was David Miller's son and people often called him little Miller. He kind of liked being called Miller it made him feel like his dad was a part of him and there was no one he loved more than his father, even when he was incredibly annoyed with him.

"Do you have any pre-existing medical conditions? Or a family history of medical conditions?"

Nate thought for a minute and said "I don't think so." His mother had died during childbirth and he didn't know any other family but his dad and his dad had always been in great health.

"Okay good. Have you had any surgeries?"

"Oh yeah I've had a few." Nate laughed.

"What were they for?" Dr. Jackson asked, typing away on his computer. He had barely looked up at Nate the entire time. He just typed away everything he said on the computer.

"Well I've been shot. I had to have surgery to have the bullet removed. My sutures didn't hold. This was before you guys came down. We didn't have a lot of equipment then. But I lost a lot of blood and had to have surgery again. Then I was stabbed with a poisoned blade and had to have surgery to remove the poisoned tissue."

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