Chapter 17

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Erica POV

I decided I want to do some surveillance and left Ben to sleep.


I woke up in the middle of the night and felt a prick. Erica was not there to save me.

I woke up in a cell without anything on me. They took my ID card, phone, and all my weapons. I still had my utility belt but it was empty. I cased the room and saw a vent entrance. I looked out the bars and saw no guards. I took of the cover of the vent and crawled out the building. 

It was the same building and from what my sense of time told me it was 1 PM. 4 hours till the EMP. I didn't know how to hotwire a car so I pickpocketed some keys. I gunned the engine and I would make it there in 90 minutes.

I needed weapons though. I went to a drive-through and picked up some food. I made the desicion to break into the academy of espionage take a couple weapons and get out. I was going rogue from the rogue mission. I felt my eyes gloss over. What must Erica be thinking? I wanted so bad to go back to her but I had to go rogue from the rogue mission. For everyone's safety......For Erica's safety.

90 minutes later

I was at the academy of espionage. I walked past a guard and knocked him out quickly. I scaled the wall and stealthily made my way to the firing range. I sneaked up behind a student training and knocked her out. I grabbed two M9's, a couple spare magazines, and a compactable rifle with a scope. I stuck the rifle in my bag and the extra magazines on my utility belt.

3:02 PM

The men never said when they would plant the EMP only it would go off at 5:00 PM. I made my way up below a tree and waited. I pulled out my rifle and prepared myself.

3:30 PM

I noticed a car pull up and our team got out. They were prepared and they took up positions nearer the monument. 

3:56 PM

Two vans pulled up and I saw 10 men get out. I readied my rifle and pointed it at one of them. Erica and the team opened fire. Three men fell down and I was still aiming as I did not want to blow my cover. Another car pulled up and they opened fire I noticed a man get out with the EMP bag.

17  vs  5

I shot my rifle and took out one of the men. My first kill. Cyrus took out two more men. Erica shot 3 more men.I noticed a man in all black come behind the team and I immediately moved my rifle to point at him. He pointed a gun at Erica

"Don't move or she dies!" he yelled. I shot and killed him. Erica looked at my position and I scrambled to a different tree. I blew my cover. I pulled out my M9's and started firing I shot another man. Three men had made it to the building. Erica and Cyrus ran to the entrance.

I took out my rifle and aimed at the topmost window so that if neccesary I could shoot though there. I hoped that Erica and Cyrus could take them out. I noticed a movement at the top. The men got there. Erica was fighting one and Cyrus was fighting two of them. The last one was setting up the EMP. I shot him. My aim was true. He slumped over. I shot the one of the other men and hit him in the chest.

Erica and Cyrus made quick work of them and I decided it was my time to leave. They would stop the EMP.


I packed up all my stuff. I pickpocked another set of car keys and idled. I would be tailing the team. I needed to meet up with them. I needed to make up with the team..... I needed to make up with Erica.

Spy School the new kid   (@Xifei2008  book being adapted by me)Where stories live. Discover now