
Dumbledore huffed, raising his eyes to quirk his brow at the young witch in front of him. "You may attend classes -"

Dahlia squealed, rising from the chair to throw her arms around the headmaster's neck. Dumbledore embraced her for a moment, before setting her back from him to look her in the eyes.

"No one must know the extent of your powers. You are more powerful than any witch or wizard I have seen come through Hogwarts; myself included. We must not give anyone any reason to investigate you."

"I won't! I'll make sure I keep it under control." Dahlia threw her arms around his neck again, squealing. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

Dumbledore patted her back kindly. "We will need to get you books and robes then."

Dahlia pulled back, face lit up with excitement. She jumped up and down, hands clapping. "Does this mean I finally get to go to Diagon Alley?"


"Ms. Dumbledore!" Dahlia paused, uncomfortable at the use of her surname. She had grown up as Dumbledore's ward, and therefore had taken his surname as a child. However, since her true paternity was unknown, she preferred to just be called by her first name. Considering her main companions were Dumbledore or the houselves, she had never had to answer to her last name before.

"Yes?" Dahlia looked down the corridor behind her to find a professor scurrying towards her. The woman was tall, hair pulled back in a tight bun at the nape of her neck.

"I'm Professor McGonagall; Professor Dumbledore sent me to fetch you for the sorting ceremony."

"Oh," Dahlia nodded warily, "I was just told to wait here until someone came for me." The butterflies in her stomach were becoming unnerving, and she felt bile rising in her throat.

"Yes, well," Professor McGonagall peered down her spectacles at the young witch in front of her. She was a stern looking witch who looked to be in her 50's. She had a no nonsense air about her, and a gaze that left Dahlia feeling as though the woman had seen her deepest secrets. "Dumbledore has appraised me to your unique situation. If you will follow me please," and with that the professor breezed by her.

Dahlia pondered for a moment exactly what about her "unique situation" Dumbledore had told her, but Professor McGonagall didn't wait for Dahlia to follow. Dahlia stumbled after her a moment later, following the professor into the Great Hall. She had been brought out through the entrance behind the teacher's table, not the great front doors like the first years which could be seen shuffling in, drawing most of the room's attention.

"Furthermore, this year, before we get on with the sorting, we have a new student!" Professor Dumbledore's voice boomed over the silence of the great hall. He must have just finished his speech. McGonagall gently nudged Dahlia forward, and she took a few hesitant steps towards the headmaster.

Dahlia kept her eyes forward, focused on Dumbledore as her feet moved slowly across the floor. Her feet felt like they were made of lead, and her heart was pounding in her chest. She felt the hundreds of pairs of eyes watching her as she crossed the stage.

"Dahlia Dumbledore, has been studying abroad, and has decided to transfer here for the remainder of her magical study!" Dumbledore turned to her, and kindly gestured her to his side. Dahlia accepted the hand he reached out to her as he affectionately smiled down at her. She returned his smile, thankful to have somewhere else to look than the hundreds of eyes staring at her.

The Great Hall erupted in whispers as the students talked amongst themselves. No doubt caused by her last name, as everyone knew Dumbledore had remained unmarried and childless. They were also probably curious as to why Dumbledore would send her abroad to study, when he was the headmaster of one of the finest wizarding schools already.

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