Gūzen- Part C

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I'll help him take Sawamura san home. He won't be able to carry him alone." Haru spoke abruptly. He looked at Ayumu who was looking at him in disbelief because he didn't like people questioning his strength. He continued "Not because he can't carry him, it's simply because Sawamura-san seems to be the type to cause a ruckus and be loud when he is drunk."

Ayumu agreed that Haruto was right about that and he still wasn't pleased because he was being doubted though he understood that they were worried about him, he was an adult and he's capable of handling a drunk friend.

"But Haruto! You said you'd walk me home!" Takumi complained out loud. She was angry that she didn't get a chance to spend time with him alone. Moreover, to give up a chance to walk with him while going home when she thought they could get some closure and she can try her charms on his vulnerable side as if she'd lose this chance.

The girls were taken aback by her sudden outburst of anger as she was not the type to raise her voice in public; they thought it must be the alcohol acting up along with the frustration of not being able to spend time with Haruto. Whereas, Ikku was surprised by the fact that Haruto offered to help Ayumu so eagerly and looked somewhat excited about it. Haruto sure is kind but a lazy ass sometimes, something about this smelled funny. He couldn't figure it out because his friend preferred dropping a drunk guy and his handsome friend home over walking a beautiful girl home. He assessed his thoughts, well Haruto is a kind soul occasionally. Moreover, Ayumu seemed just fine handling Sawamura. Maybe he's just overthinking; he reasoned himself while raising and moving his head to the side.

"Haruto-Kun, it's ok, you shouldn't leave a lady by herself." He smiled and was getting ready to leave with Sawamura who was trying his best to maintain his posture.

Toma spoke, "It's ok Ayumu, let Haruto see you off, it's Ikeda's fault, he started it anyway and tricked Sawamura into drinking."

"I didn't trick him, it was a mutual interest, right, Sawa?" Ikeda's tone was a slurry.

"It is!" Sawamura cracked loudly.

Toma rubbed his forehead. "Go ahead Haruto, the station is the other way right?

Help Ayumu and come back soon." Everyone agreed except Ayumu.

"Haruto-kun you promised to walk Takumi-san home, we don't want to trouble her."

Haruto turned around and faced her, she shied away and said "Wha- what is it?" She was flustered by his sudden movement. He placed his right hand on her head and ruffled it with his finger gently, smiling at her, he spoke in a raspy tone "Takumi-san, Ayumu san needs my help, maybe some other time" he removed his hands and adjusted his jacket and waited for her approval.

Ayumu was intently looking at Haruto and Takumi, he felt it was a warm scene and he really didn't need Haruto's help. Also, he felt bad for the girl because he understood that Haruto had made up his mind to drop him home.

"It's not like you'd walk me home every day, but you need to make it up to me." She pouted.

Haruto turned to Ayumu and said, "That's it, it's settled then." He came over to Ayumu and took the weight off him, and seriously, Ayumu felt a lot lighter when Sawamura was taken off his hands and realized that Sawamura had a heavy bone weight and made a mental note to lecture him when he sobers up for causing trouble to Haruto and others.

Ayumu, Haruto, and Sawamura parted from the group and walked into the crowd and towards the station. They carefully and successfully made their way out of the shopping district and headed towards the station. Along the way, Ayumu kept stealing glances from his side but wouldn't say anything. The silence between them was filled by Sawamura's ranting about being dumped by his girlfriend. Ayumu kept reminding him that Haruto is here with them and that Sawamura should wait until they get home and talk about it. Haruto said that he didn't mind and kept nodding to whatever Sawamura had to say. When they reached the entrance of the station, Ayumu looked at Haruto earnestly and stopped in his steps and Haruto stopped to look at him to return his gaze. Time stood still for a few seconds.

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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