Chapter 1- Fateful decision

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My wife Valerie and I had been married for twelve blissful years. I regretted nothing with Val, she was the most beautiful girl I had ever laid eyes on and when she accepted my marriage proposal, I felt like I had just won the lottery. We couldn't have children but we didn't need any either for we kept each other happy and contented. Every year for our anniversary, we would drive up to our favourite place in the world, a large pasture in the country side beneath a huge ,shady oak tree. We would spread our picnic mat and sip on wine, enjoying the serene view of the sunset before our eyes. Later, we would go down to the beach and swim, and spend the most enjoyable day of our year together. 


I entered the hospital and walked up to the receptionist's desk. "Good morning Mr. Parker." She smiled politely as I returned her smile and rushed past her, up the stairs, down the hall and straight to the Val's door. I stood outside the door. staring at the number printed on the door, 301, a number I had grown to love and hate at the same time. There was a small paper below the number that had her name,'Valerie Ann Parker', the perfect name for the perfect girl.I knocked on the door and waited for a reply. " Come in" a voice called from behind the door. I opened it slowly as I took a deep breath and entered the room, where I saw her lying peacefully on the bed in a deep sleep. It seemed as if her beauty bloomed daily and my eyes refused to leave her face. After a few minutes I heard someone clear their throat and I spun around to find Dr. Andrews standing at the door. My mood instantly changed, he always seemed to have bad news.

" Good morning Mr.Parker," he began, I mumbled a quick response before he continued,

"And how are we doing today?" He questioned.

 " How is she doing?" I snapped back.

He sighed and looked at me straight in the eye.

" We can't keep her like this forever, her health is rapidly deteriorating, she won't get better, I'm sorry" he replied with sympathy I could see, but couldn't feel.


We were driving to our regular anniversary spot, all packed for the best day ever, driving at a slow safe speed. She was holding my hand, humming along to the tune playing on the radio and neither of us noticed the motherless fawn which stepped onto the radio, confused and alone. Val let out a muffled scream as I tried to bring the vehicle to a stop by swerving off the road but instead slammed into a tree, and then everything went silent, I reached for her hand before everything went black. Iwoke up on a hospital bed, and instantly thought of Val.

' Was she okay?' 'Did I hurt her? the doctors and nurses kept reassuring me that I needed to rest in order to be there for Val. I became restless as the days dragged by, and when I finaly became strong enough, they told me Valerie had slipped into a coma, and they weren't sure whether she could recover. I left the hospital later that week, alone and despondent.

~End Of Flashback~

"Dont tell me she won't recover!" I yelled at the doctor, " she's getting better," my voice cracked at the end and I could feel a lump rise inmy throat." I just can't let her go, she's gonna be okay" I said trying to convince myself more than him"

"Ill give you a minute to think about it" He replied quietly and walked out of the room.

I turned to Val lying on the bed, taking a long hard look at her. How could they expect me to just let her go, but how could I let her suffer like this, half dead, half alive, trapped in her own body. It was in that moment that I realised how selfish I hadbeen, wanting to keep her with me forever, in a state she would never have agreed to. Tears stremed down my face as I said goodbye. The nurse entered the room and stood quietly by my side.

A cold hand grasped my wrist as I slumped to my knees feeling the cool of the tile under me.I looked up into the nurse's eyes and turned to face Val one last time.

"I'm ready" I whispered. She knew exactly whatI meant and helped me from the floor. I gave Valerie one last kiss before I watched them pull the plug on her life support, and I could imagine her smiling at me for loving her enough to set her free.



Suprised ? I bet you didn't see that coming 

My best friend and I are Co writing this story.

The song above is Let her go by passenger, I thought it would be the most suitable one for the chapter

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Feel free to check out my other stories:

-The Girl Inside of Me

-The Choice


-Ally ¤ Zoe

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