Chapter 2- High School

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"Leo,wake up honey,it's your first day of school." I could hear my mother cooing in my ear as I struggled to adjust my eyes to the brightness of my room. "Five minutes more " I begged while grugily rolling over and pulling the sheets over my head. " If we wait anymore your waffles are gonna get cold," like I care " Plus Valerie is downstairs waiting on you" she called while making her way back down stairs. I instantly sprung up to that.

Valerie was my absolute best fiend since kintergarden and she was really pretty. She was so much fun unlike the others , she did weird stuff like play in the mud and climb trees. We spent the entire holiday together, as she ws my neighbour and made lasting memories.

I quickly rolled out my bed and rushed into the shower. I brushed my teeth and grabbed the first pair of jeans I saw. I decided on a red sweater with grey sleeves and took over ten minutes to style my hair to perfection, not that I was trying to impresss anyone. I took one last look at myself in the mirror, satisfied with my appearance and rushed down stairs. As I entered the kitchen I heard Valerie and my mother laughing hysterically. I admired the way she could carry a conversation with anyone of any age as she was intelligent and wise beyond her years. I walked into the kitchen and Val burst into a fit of giggles.

"What's so funny Valie ?" I questioned rather confused. Valie was my name for her in kintergarden, she always claims to hate it, but I know she loves it. She feigned a pouty face, but she couldn't keep it up for long as she burst out into even more giggles. My mom started giggling too and I felt even more confused than before. What in the world are they laughing about? Val looked like she would fall pff her chair as she gasped for air. " Your shirt, it's on backwards, you look so cute." she wouldn't stop laughing and I felt my cheeks heat, by both embarrassment and her cute comment. I quickly made my way to the rest room to change. Walking back into the kitchen, I couldsee Val turning pink trying to hold in her laughter. "Don't you dare Valie," that seemed to do the trick and we ate our cold waffes. We ate quickly and made our way towards school which was only a block away thankfully.

We walked down the street together, a comfortable silence settling down between us. The question was swirling around my mind like crazy and I could start to feel my body perspire. My palms became sweaty, my hair poked out in every direction and a weird feeling arrived in my stomach. Val was my bestfriend and I knew her better than myself but in these instances I can't help but wonder if I know her as well as I think I do. What if she says no? What if I ruin our friendship for these little emotions? I would hate it that happened mater of fact I'll be lost, helpless and depressed because she brightens my day by just existing. I love Val in every possible way and I really don't want to imagine life without her. I glanced over at her and lost all words. Her long, black hair blew around in the wind and her cheeks were rosy ,red with the winter air. Her eyes glowed with contentment and her plump, pink lips were curled with a casual smile. She was so beautiful, easily the prettiest girl I had ever seen. She wore light make up, which she definitely didn't need and looked adorable inher pink sweater and jeans. All the guys in school drooled over her and she never seemed to take them on. It was definitely one of the things that made me so worried about asking her what seemed to be spinning around my head forever. She looked at me and I blushed when she noticed my staring, Busted!. I looked away in embarrasment. She continued smiling while rubbing her hands to provide warmth.

" Feeling cold?" I asked regretting not bringing my gloves for her.

" A little bit," she replied quietly, " I should have brought my sweater"

" Wanna stop off for some coffee?" I asked while opening the cafe' door and pushing her inside.

"Do I really have a choice?" she smirked playfully grabbing my hand and pulling me in. As you can imagine my mind was going flip-flip . I ordered our coffee, regular latte' for me and hazlenut creme' nut for her, her favourite.

Within no time the waitress brought our coffee." Here, you go, would you like anything else?" she asked with a wink and had her eyes focused on me, totally ignoring Valie. Her uniform was so tight, her twins were popping out and I think that she was having difficulty breathing with the faces she was making at me. Her name tag said Madie, so I figured that's her name. Madie was definitely new, since I came here often and practically knew all the employees .

As I was about to tell her off a voice interrupted me. " Excuse me, don't you have any regards for yourself? Girls like you really annoy the crap out of me. You came here and chose to ignore my presence, that was okay with me but instead of carrying on with your work you then began to flirt shamelessly with my boyfriend . If you know what's good for you I suggest you get back to work before I call the manager." Madie was dumbstrucked with a look of fear in her eyes, she didn't even think twice before stomping away, so childishly. Meanwhile a large smirk plastered on my face , gynastics began in my stomach and the words 'my boyfriend' replayed over and over in my head. My best friend/ crush/ girl of my dreams just reffered to me as her boyfriend. Who says miracles don't happen.

" What?" she asked with a confused look on her face before taking a sip from her coffee

" Your Boyfriend, huh?"I replied shaking my head up and down liking the way it felt coming off my tongue. Maybe this was not going to be as challengeing as I thought it would be.

She just chuckled." It just felt right at the moment and can't a girl have some fun?"

" Okay girfriend, I'm sorry" I raised my hands to show that I meant no harm" but she's still glaring at us from over there"

It's like she read my mind " Wanna put a lovely ending to the scene ?"she said grinning

" You bet"

Val got up from her seat ,walked over to my side and sat on my lap. She threw her arms around me and slowly brought her face to mine. My hands immediately circled around her tiny waist, even though I was so nervous because of her closeness I had to play it cool. She paused as soon as our noses touched and whispered " Come let's get out of here, before she explodes"

The only possible movement for me now was to simply nod. She got up ,grabbed her bag and coffee and waited for me to get my stuff.Val then hooked our arms before walking out the cafe'.



Hi my lovelies

How was that chapter??? Cute right? You taught they were gonna kiss right? Guess what? Me too

So if you're confused let me iron it out for you this chapter basically introduces Leo and Valie's life from high school

The picture on the side/ top is Vincent Ross just in case you're wondering who he is. He's a youtuber and apart of a group called Yaadbwoys. Their videos are AWESOME go and check them out Trust me you won't be disappointed.

*Fangirling Moment*

Aww they started off as bestfriends, sad but cute at the same time

because we all know best friend crushes are the absolute worst if the other friend doesn't feel the same way. I know most of you have or have had a crush on your bestie once. Don't even try denying it 'cause, I'm not going to allow you to.

Anywho if you enjoyed reading this chapter just click on that star and drop some comments to let us know how the story is going so far.

Feel free to check out my other stories:

-The Girl Inside of Me

-The Choice


-Ally, Zoe


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