Chapter 3 - Promposal

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A/n -Look out for the change of P.O.V

Live for the moments you can't put into words - Unknown

Leo's P.O.V

After much thought and pacing back and forth from the door to my bed, I've finally made up my mind. I'm going to walk to her house and just ask.


Or so I thought. I'm in front of her house and this has been my position for the past four minutes with scenarios flashing across my mind with every possible out come of my situation and trust me none of are pretty. I really don't know why I'm even freaking out right now.

Oh I don't know Maybe it's because we shared ,what I considered ,a moment this morning at the café ,but she acted casual during the rest of the day,completely unphased. I wont lie, it definitely made me doubt this whole thing, what if I make a klutz of my self or ruin or friendship, she would never see me in the same light again.But then again, what if she was just playing it cool? I could miss the best opportunity of my life.

I rub my sweaty palms on my pants and took a deep breath,something I seem to be doing a lot recently,this was it, I was ready. I raise my shaky hands to the door, preparing to knock, but the door flies open before I could even make contact. I see val wearing skinny jeans and a flowery crop top with a thin shawl. Make up light and jewels simple.

She looked beautiful.

Her mom was behind her and they stood there staring at me like a ghost. "Umm.... hi...Ms. Van Cruz... Vallie.." I stood there awkwardly placing my hands in my pocket.

Well this is going great.

"Oh, hi Leo, how may we help you?" Ms Van Cruz walks next to me and puts her hand over my shoulder in a tender, motherly way.

"Well, actually I was wanting to speak to Valerie about something, if that's okay with you of course?" I asked nervously.

She looked at my pale face and sweaty palms with a smirk before turning to Valerie. "I'll be in the car Val?"

She quickly made her way down the rest of the porch steps and into the vehicle. I turned my attention back to Val, as she finished locking the door, her long hair blowing around like feathers in the wind.

"S'up Leo?"

"Um... well you look very pretty."I stuttered. Great move Leo, I thought we were getting this over with quickly.

It's kiss the girl not compliment the girl.

She blushed instantly looking down at her feet. It was the best feeling ever, making her blush.

"Thanks Leo" she mumbled cheeks still red. I noticed her mom driving out the lot and decided to hurry things up.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to go to prom with me next Saturday..." I said, voice wavering slightly.

Vallie's head shot up instantly and she looked bewildered. I couldn't read her expression and that scared me. I stare at her for what seems to be an eternity, and then I notice a small smile tug at the corner of her pink lips as they curl into a big smile.

"You mean as in together?"She asked me quietly. I shook my head in response gathering the courage to smirk. I know she wouldn't refuse me, why was I even so worried anyway.

"I would love to go to prom with you Leo" she smiled brightly at me and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. Now it was my turn to blush. She didn't say just yes, she said she would love to. More acrobatics in my head.

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