Chapter 4 - Second Thoughts?

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As I walked through the doors of Stanley High hundreds of scenarios of what can happen tomorrow night played over and over in my head.

This would be my first prom with Valie.

Usually we would just ditch and have a funfilled day ; shopping, catching up with episodes of our favourite series (mostly hers but any favourite of hers is mine) , hanging out at the park or beach, helping out at Joe's Diner etc.

Mom bought a grey suit for me which includes a westcot and a new pair of shoes earlier in the week when pitched the idea I had about asking Valie to be my date.

Let's say she was a little more excited than I was.

I was anxious to see what she'd look like tomorrow night. A very manly blush appeared each time I imagined her in dresses for tomorrow.

My eyes began searching for Valie until, I saw her standing by her locker speaking with a guy. She looked down and tucked some loose strands of hair behind her ear, which was turning a shade of pink. Was she blushing? What was he saying to her?

"Dude, move outta my way!" I hadn't realized that I was standing in the middle of the corridor until that voice startled me.

"Ohh I-" I was about to apologize but was cut off before "whatever " she said walking away. Watching her proceed along the corridor my eyes landed on Valie again, she was still talking to the same guy. I may have seen him before.

As soon as I approached them Valie wrapped her arm around mine totally catching me off guard. "Here he is. See? He actually exists. " she said smiling brightly tapping my upper arm.

"Ohh -yeah " followed by a faint smile was all the guy did before awkwardly walking away.

Valie sighed a breath of relief "I thought you'd never come "

"Sorry I had to get somethings done. What was that about though? " she smiled causing a chain of fireworks to go off in my head before answering. "He was asking me to the dance " I felt a slight tug of jealousy but shrugged it off because I already asked for the honor. How can I blame him for asking though, she's the most beautiful person I know. "I tried telling him I already have a date but he refused to believe until you showed up. " Like the idiot I was, a goofy smile appeared on my face.

"Ohh " was all that I managed to say then the bell rung.

Morning classes were good. I couldn't get over the fact that I was actually attending Prom with her. This was our last year of high school but first prom. Tomorrow night will be special and one to remember, I'll ensure that.

That angelic voice of her brought me back to the present "Earth to Leo. Those fries won't eat themselves you know? Earth to Leo. Hello? "Shaking my head I apologised "Yeah,Sorry 'bout that. "

"What were thinking about? " she asked, her voice reeking with curiosity.

You, I really wanted to say but refrained.

Should I tell her I was nervous about Prom. Or would that make me sound all feminine?

Whatever, she's not one to judge.

"I -" nothing came out but a sigh. I smiled at her. "Valie I'm -" another sigh again.

"Are you okay? " Valie questionned looking a bit confused.

"Yeah. " I smiled again. "Actually no you see the thing is that I'm so nervous about tomorrow night. I feel you should be the one saying this not me. With the whole 'I'm nervous ramble'. Isn't that supposed to be the girl's part? Crap! That made me sound sexist didn't it? My actual point is I don't want you to regret going with me, by me messing things up someway or the other." She started to laugh then placed a soft kiss on my cheek. I feel like I'm flying. Am I flying?

"You're so cute when you go off like that, my little rambler" she said taking a sip of her Dr.Pepper
"The thing is, I'm nervous too but we got each other right. And if we're not feeling it we'll leave. Simple."

She always knows exactly what to say and do to make me calm.

"Yeah "was my reply revealing my pearly whites "Did you find a dress already? "

"Yes. You're wearing a teal shirt right? " I nodded my head to reply because my mouth was too full with fries and soda. That wouldn't be a pleasant site for anyone.

"Good " she said flashing that heart warming smile of hers.

Our conversations went smoothly after that per norm until the bell rung again signaling the end of lunch.


The afternoon classes went by pretty quickly. I hardly focused on anything that was taught. It seems like today all I'm conscious of is the sound of the bell ringing. Mr. Fizz my French teacher asked me " Ou' est -ce - que tu fais apres lècole?" and my reply was " Je n'ai pas tres faim." Seriously I can't concentrate , seeing Valie tomorrow night all dressed up was I could think of. Right then I see her pacing through the halls with a pensive look on her face.

" Hey ,are you okay ?" I question following her outside. " you look like you're in a rush."

" Yeah, I'm cool and yeah I'm kind of in a hurry. I just want to get home." she answers with her eyes looking glossy like she's holding back tears. She starts tapping her foot ,looking around and tucking loose strands of hair behind her ears.

"Are you sure, you're okay? " I question again, not convinced with her answers.

"Look, I just want to go home. " she snapped. " I'm sorry, just ple-" her voice cracks before she can finish speaking. To try and conceal it, she quickly clears her throat and speaks again. "Please let me go. "

Something's definitely wrong.

I gently place my hand and turn her face towards mine "Hey look at me . It's okay, no need to apologize. Can I atleast walk you home? I promise I'll keep quiet." I flash her a smile. " Please. "

I hug her as she nods in approval and we began walking in silence.

Something is bothering her, I can tell but she'll tell me whenever she's ready. As we walk, I keep glancing over at her just to be certain that she's not crying or anything like that. I don't think I can handle that type of situation. She's always been a cheerful and simple girl, never had any major breakdown in the washroom where a whole entourage is there for 'moral support ' or any drama of the sort.

"We're here." I announce upon arriving at her house. I engulf her in a hug and gently rub her back. "Call me if you need anything. " She simply nods to avoid speaking. I watch her until she's safe inside then proceed to my house which isn't far away.

Hi, it's been a while but we're back.

What could be bothering Valie? Is she having second thoughts about going with Leo? We'll just have to wait and find out.

Zoe recently published a book called 'SCRIBBLES ' with poetry n prose pieces. If you haven't, go check it out. It's Awesomesauce.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!


-Ally, Zoe


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2016 ⏰

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