Jordan opened first and saw the onesie.

"Oh my God."She said lowly

"Jas?"Khalil looked at me with shock

I nodded as my eyes watered.

Mom finally got hers open and saw it as well.

"Are you pregnant?!"She squealed

I nodded."Yes.Open the envelope."

They did and saw my little baby.

"Oh my God!Oh my God!"My mom cried looking at her grandchild

My dad came over and hugged me tightly.

"Im so happy for you baby girl."He told me

"Thank you daddy."I sobbed into his arms

He pulled away and kissed my cheek and then hugged Chris.

"Now you really have to take care of her."He told him

"Yes sir.Absolutely."Chris nodded

I smiled as we settled down and the questions rolled in.

"How many weeks?"Mommy asked

"10."Chris said

"Oh you're early."Jordan said

I nodded.

"Im so- like nervous.I mean I had a whole breakdown when I found out because I really didn't think I could and now we're here."I said to them

"No need to be nervous.You have all of us and Chris who seems to be a great guy so far."Jordan said

Chris chuckled.

"He is."I smiled at him

"So what's the plan here?You two haven't been together long."Dad asked Chris

"Well..she's in the process of moving in with me right now.Uh- and we're going to try to figure this out as we go but I do know that my intentions are pure.All I want to do is make sure Jas and the baby are happy and healthy."He said

My dad nodded."Alright.Well, if I hear otherwise..there will be some problems."

Chris nodded."Yes sir."

After dinner, we headed back to our hotel room.

"You were so nervous for nothing babe.You're family seems really nice."He said

"They are..sometimes they just are overprotective."I told him

He nodded and kissed my head.

"Wait look."He said as I pulled my shirt over my head

He walked over and put his hand on my tiny belly.

"Hey there.It's daddy."He said

I smiled at him.

"I love you."I told him

"I love you too."He kissed my head

He went to go shower and I grabbed my phone and went on the balcony to call Aubrey.

"Hello?"He answered

"Hey Aubrey..are you in Toronto?"I asked him

"Yeah I'm home."He said

"Oh good.Im here visiting my parents.Maybe we can have lunch or something?I have something I want to talk to you about."I told him

"What's wrong?"He asked

"Nothing's wrong."I said

"Okay..we can do lunch.At my place?"He asked

"Uhm I don't think that's a good ide-

God's PlanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang