Chapter 4: Jaehyun's Story

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Jaehyun started telling Doyoung about his first and last love Jungwoo. They knew each other since elementary school but they never hung out together after school because Jaehyun and Jungwoo lived too far from each other. Jungwoo was apparently the purest person he had ever met. Beautiful and funny, he was everything to Jaehyun. Even back then Jaehyun was pressured to be the perfect child, but with Jungwoo, he could be himself. And that made Jaehyun happy when he was with him. He never felt so comfortable with anyone but him. Although Jungwoo was bright and sunny at school, his home life was a complete mess. Father an alcoholic and mother who was abusive and addicted to gambling, would always take advantage of Jungwoo and let out their stress and anger on him. He was hit and cursed at. Made him do all the chores in the house at the early age. The only reason Jungwoo was at a private middle school was because of his grandmother's inheritance and will. Jungwoo would often come to school with bruises on his arms and legs, but he never once failed to not have a smile on his face.

When Jaehyun found out, he immediately wanted Jungwoo to leave and stay with him.

/Jaehyun flahback/

"Mom! Please let Jungwoo stay here. We have all these rooms no one uses! He can even stay in my room! Please mom please!"

"Absolutely not Jaehyun! You are perfect and look at this boy! Messy, poor, average grades, and he dares get close with my perfect son? You were hanging out with this boy at school? Butler Suh? Escort this boy out of our home IMMEDIATELY. I don't want anyone seeing this boy in my house!" Jaehyun's mom roared.

Jungwoo had his head down the whole time. He was used to hearing it from his parents but since someone else's parents were saying the same thing, I guess it was right. Maybe he is worthless and unworthy of any type of affection.

"I LIKE HIM!" Jaehyun cried. "He's the only person I've ever liked!"

Jaehyun's mom, furious, slapped Jaehyun on his left cheek. "Do not EVER say that again."

Jaehyun grabbed Jungwoo's arms and started running. "JUNG JAEHYUN!" His mother screamed.

Before Jaehyun and Jungwoo could reach the front entrance, the guards caught both of them and separated them.

"JUNGWOO! LET GO! JUNGWOO!!!!" Jaehyun screamed as Jungwoo was being taken away in a black car. "NOOOOOO!" He continued to beg and scream for his friend but nothing worked. The black car was gone and the guards had let him go.

"WHERE IS HE? TELL ME NOW!" He started kicking and punching the body guards. But little Jaehyun only came down to their waist and Jaehyun was only a child.

"Jung Jaehyun. If you don't behave, the only person that is going to get hurt is that boy. Do you understand?" His mother walked out from behind.

Jaehyun was beyond angry and upset. With red shot teary eyes, and his red cheeks from the slap before, he glared at his mother. "And you call yourself a philanthropist? A humanitarian? What BULLSHIT."

"JAEHYUN," mother said in a harsh tone. "Take him to his room, and don't let him come out until he fixes his attitude. Obviously that filthy boy has been a bad influence on him"

Jaehyun was powerless compared to his mother. The harsh mental treatment began after he was sent to his room. He was not allowed to come out. He was set on a strict schedule to do 4 hours of studying, then 4 hours of independent reading, then 2 hours of exercise, and then when he went to school, he was surrounded by body guards that would track his every move. He was escorted and went straight back home after school. He could not hang out with anyone or meet anyone new. He was not allowed to speak to anyone, nor was anyone allowed to speak to him. This treatment went on for a year. Jaehyun was mentally and emotionally trained to just be a perfect doll, a perfect image for his family.

/a year later/

"Jaehyun-ah~ My perfect son, did you finish all your work?" His mother asked.

"Yes, mother," Jaehyun smiled sweetly like a robot. She also smiled back. "Are you ready for high school?"

"Yes mom."

"I see that you have been a good boy throughout the year. I'm going to take away all the guards and your schedule because you are grown up but I expect you to keep up with this good behavior."

"Of course mom. Thank you," he continued to smile.

His mother went into her office smiling. Once she was out of sight, Jaehyun's smile immediately disappeared, his eyes gleamed with absolute hatred. He walked back into his room and punched the punching bag over and over again.

When I leave this hellhole, I'm going to find you first.

/end of flashback/

"Oh my gosh Jaehyun. I never would have ever guessed you lived a life like that..." Doyoung was shocked to hear his story. Jaehyun had perfected being perfect, but really there is so much going on behind the curtains.

"Yeah, I'm just glad I don't have any siblings. They would have to go through this too."

Doyoung thought about his own life and Jeno. "Yeah, you're right. It sounds like your family is only showing you conditional love."

"What's conditional love?"

"It's when they love you with a condition: you being perfect."

"You are right. How do you know all this?"

"I know a thing or two about conditional love myself."

There was a bit more silence.

"Jaehyun, do you know where Jungwoo is right now?"

"No. My family has so many connections, I'm afraid of getting caught trying to look for him and having to go through the mental manipulation again. Even worse, Jungwoo getting hurt again because of me."

Doyoung thought about it for a little bit. "I think I can help you find him."

Jaehyun turned to Doyoung with the biggest eyes. "How?"

"I...I can't tell you now, but I have ways. I'll work on it and let you know."

"Please," Jaehyun said with a pleading tone. "If you need anything let me know too."

Doyoung nodded. It was time to dust off the old skills.

"Oh, my look at the time. Let me get you guys home."

Jaehyun drove to Doyoung's home. It was in a small cramped little neighborhood with shabby apartments. His car could barely fit through the small alleyways.

"This is it, thank you Jaehyun," Doyoung said as he took off his seat belt.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school."

Doyoung put sleeping Jeno on his back and walked up the stairs as Jaehyun drove away. Doyoung was slightly worried that Jaehyun may have judged him for where he lived compared to Jaehyun's absolutely marvelous mansion.

But Jaehyun didn't care. What was so good about having a fancy house anyway. It's just a show for others to think that your family is the most perfect family in the world.

Doyoung gently put Jeno to bed and pulled the blankets over him. Instead of sleeping himself, he rummaged through the deep part of his closet until he found the thing he needed. It was an old laptop. Doyoung sighed. He opened it up to a screen of complex codes and binary numbers.

Doyoung was secretly a genius hacker.


a/n: Doyoung's past is coming uppp

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