Chapter 2: Group Project

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"Jaehyun, what are you doing here?" Taeyong asked.

"I was trying to get some sun but I heard something loud so I checked it out, but it was nothing much." Jaehyun said. "Let's go get some coffee!" He smiled and skipped away.

"Oh okay." Taeyong said. He was slightly curious and peeked at behind the building. He saw Doyoung with his beaten up uniform holding something in his hand looking at it.

Taeyong instantly knew it was Jaehyun's AirPods because of black case that was on the AirPods.

"Strange..." Taeyong thought. DID JAEHYUN BEAT HIM UP? But then why does he have Jaehyun's AirPods? Oh it probably fell when Jaehyun was beating him up. But why would Jaehyun beat him up? He never cares. All was too confusing for Taeyong, he brushed it off and followed behind Jaehyun to get some coffee.

Before class started again, Doyoung washed the dirt and blood off his face, cleaned himself a little bit and walked to class. He sat down and felt something on his butt. "Oh right, Jaehyun's AirPods. I couldn't even say thank you..."

Doyoung knew he couldn't just go up to Jaehyun and say thank you. He didn't want to attract any more attention by being "the guy that Taeyong wants to talk to but wants to talk to Jaehyun instead." He had an idea. He ripped up a corner of his notebook paper.

"thank you for the airpods. Let me know in private if you want them back" he wrote on the paper and stuck it inside Jaehyun's desk compartment before quickly returning to his desk.

Doyoung didn't think anyone saw that, but Taeyong definitely saw everything before he entered the classroom. "what the fuck did I just see," he whispered.

"What are you doing not going in and blocking the entrance?" Johnny asked. Jaehyun looked at Taeyoung with a confused smile. Taeyong stared at Jaehyung.

"Oh..nothing, sorry just spaced out," he lied and they all went back into the class and sat down at their seat.

Taeyong kept glancing over at Jaehyun and back at Doyoung as he sat down. Jaehyun reached into his desk compartment to take out his books for the next class when he saw a folded piece of paper. He opened it up thinking it was just a love letter from a random admirer.

thank you for the airpods. Let me know in private if you want them back

Jaehyun let out a small laugh and looked over at Doyoung. Doyoung met eye contact and quickly looked away pretending to be busy. He was sweating and blushing super hard.

Taeyong saw EVERYTHING. His face was a mixture of confusion, mad, and glaring all at the same time. What in the world was happening? He suddenly was fired up with his one-sided rivalry with Jaehyun. It was him that Doyoung had to look at not Jaehyun!

/Passing period break/

Taeyoung walked up to Doyoung's desk while Doyoung was organizing his notes.

"Just tell me one thing. Am I good looking to you?"

"No, go away," Doyoung said without even looking up from his notes.

"Then how about Jaehyun?"

Doyoung paused for a second and didn't say anything. "He's handsome," he replied after a couple seconds.

"WHAT? HOW?" Taeyong glared at Jaehyun who was smiling stupidly just enjoying the scene from his seat.

"Can't you see, I'm trying to study? Can you go back to your desk? Oh and can you stop bothering me?"

Taeyong was once again shut down and had nothing to say. While going to his seat, he snatched Jaehyun's notes and crumbled it and tossed it back to him. Jaehyun laughed as he uncrumbled his paper and went back to writing his notes.

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