✉ tubbo ~ secret admirer ✉

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"tommy i have a.. a question." the young brunette asks the blonde over discord not too long after he stopped streaming. 

"yeah yeah gimme one moment to raid fundy" the blonde says whilst toby hears him fumbling with the keys on his keyboard. 

"ALRIGHT CHAT THAT IS ALL FROM ME TODAY SO BYE." tommy says as his stream ends. "what were you asking toby?" the other boy looks at the blonde whilst thinking about how to word this question he's had for so long. 

"ho- uhm.. how do you know when you like someone?" toby says eagerly anticipating his best friends answer. 


"nevermind if you arent gonna be serious." toby interrupts the other male who gets serious 

"well i mean since you're asking you probably do. but anyways- if you feel like you do then just like go for it. i mean i cant say i do that because i practically have women THROWING themselves at me but, for you my good friend, i will give the best advice i can." the two talked for a long time about everything, the girl, mcc, l'man- or 'manberg' until they got tired.

☁tubbo pov!☁

'why cant i get her out of my head? this hasn't happened before. but im not upset about it. shes really nice and funny and extremely pretty and to top it all off shes not stuck up like a lot of the girls she hangs out with are. i should say something to her. or maybe write something.' i jumped out of my bed and ran over to my streaming area and cleared everything off to begin to write a note.

dear (Y/N),

i know you don't really know me. and i didn't expect you to. but i really really like you. i think you're not only extremely beautiful but you also have an amazing sense of humor. im not planning on telling you who i am until you figure it out yourself but i will narrow it down for you. im in mrs wilsons science lecture at the same time as you. until i write to you again i suppose.


no one at my school knew about my streams, instagram, minecraft, nor my alias 'tubbo' so i felt confident in what i had written and drifted to sleep as i began to think about her. she is so perfect.

☁le lendemain matin (the next morning)☁

'okay toby. you got this just put it into her locker and walk away before she sees you. its so easy don't over think this. just go' i shoved the note into her green locker through one of the three slits at the top and walked away extremely nervous for what was going to happen. 

☁ur pov!☁

i walk into the school parting ways with my best friends, alyssa and minx. as i walk up to my locker i see a boy whos name i think is toby if im correct. he's really cute and extremely funny. but we don't talk much. i kinda wish we did. as i walked past him i smile and wave he does the same back and i feel my stomach flip. he's so adorable. when i walk up to my locker a little note falls out. its in a yellow envelope with bees on it. 'its really sweet of someone to do this'  i open the envelope and read it. "whats a tubbo?" i ask one of my friends, tommy, who had the locker next to me. we weren't super close but he was funny. 

"oh can i see the note?" he asks as i handed him the note and sees his face light up.

☁tommy pov!☁

as i read the note i knew exactly what to do. 

"(Y/N) i know who this is. i cant tell you exactly who but i can help behind the scenes to figure it out." i say as she looks at me a little disappointed. im not the best with people being upset but im going to try because i mean, shes gonna be my.. best friend-in-law..? whatever. shes gonna be dating my best friend so i have to help her out at least a little. 

"whats wrong you seem a little sad."  i say handing back the letter. "its okay i just kinda wished it was from someone specific. but i hope its them." she says looking down. 

"its alright but to help you can i know who this ~mystery~ man is?" she looks at me, looks at our surroundings, and comes closer. 

"only if you promise not to tell anyone." she holds out her pinky and i take it "i pinky promise." 

"okay its toby." she says with a sigh of relief. 

(A/N) hi lol there's gonna be a 2nd part and like idk wtf im doing w this story tbh buttt i know i really love tubbo and wanted to appreciate him a lil more. :)

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