Começar do início

A guy in his 30s stared at her from the dance floor. He already had the attention of three women yet he planted his gaze on her.

"Aren't you going to accept his invitation." the bartender asked, wiping the counter.

Dancing looked fun, but Lydia turn back to face the bartender.

"I'm not stupid," she laughed. "And I have a fiance."

"Damn! Here I was thinking I'd have a chance." the barrister laughed.

"Ten years ago maybe."

"How old would you even be?" the man scoffed, feeling guilty when she ignored him. "You should have fun while you're here." he added to draw her attention.

"I know, I'm here because I'm avoiding quiet places at the moment." she barely finished her statement when she felt a shock wave take over her entire body. She gasped, dropping her glass. The music died out, sounds of gunshots rang out in its stead followed by the sound of someone getting beat up. He wasn't grunting in pain, he was nearly lifeless. Tears rolled down her cheek.

"Hey, are you ok?" the bartender wiped the spill on her jeans, giving her the napkin as she came to.


The music was back. She looked around to see no one had seen her blip moment but her eyes caught something in the crowd. A girl in flashy outfit dancing with the man that tried hitting on her with his eyes. He maintained eye contact, but she quickly turned away while the barrister signaled for people to clean up the mess.

"Excuse me," Lydia jumped from the stool and made her way out of the club. On her way out, she used the napkin to wipe the teardrops on her cheek. She noticed a different hallway. Why had she not seen it before? She quickly went in before anyone saw her.

Lydia took one step after the other as though she was counting them. The floor had thick brown carpet so her footsteps would barely come out, even though this place was dead silent. The deeper she went, she noticed the dimmer the music got. There was a soundproof room nearby, maybe an office. Soon she heard no music, just the vibration of the beat on the paintings and lampholders.

This hallway was déjà vu of the Calaveras hide out. Their plan back then was a stupid one however she had no plan at the moment, which was even more stupid. She still did not understand what she was dealing with, and she prayed finding out would leave her enough time to fight it and win.

The lighting in front of her had an unfamiliar pattern. There was a turn ahead. From experience, Lydia knew there was probably someone there. In fact, she was surprised no one had come by this hallway by now. It would only make sense if this place was off limits. Reaching the end of the first part of the hallway, she pressed her body on the walls, which she noticed were softer; there really was a soundproof zone ahead. She moved her head slowly to take a peak on the other side.

What her eyes meet forced her on the other side. Lydia quickly slapped her mouth to stop any sound from getting out. The next part of the hallway had a T - junction with at least six armed men patrolling closed to a door. The wise decision would be to go back to the party or leave the hotel completely. However, she felt the need to keep moving. It would seem whatever is behind that door could be her reason for the shock waves she's been feeling.

Lydia tried to forget the hunting, feeling feigning focus. It was hard. She could still remember them dancing under her skin like razor worms.


Reaching for the Tazer in her bag she quickly devised a very terrible plan. Any plan that wasn't turning the other way was terrible to her at the moment, but being in Scott's pack meant using terrible plans that seem to work somehow.

NogitsuneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora