Hydra Ironstrange

Start from the beginning

Tony chewed his lip slightly again as their eyes met and he held the repulsor cannon slightly closer to his chest. "Definitely hotter," he growled and shared the same smirk with the sorcerer before turning away and putting the hand reactor over his arm, letting it charge up for a moment. Now it was his turn to feel the satisfaction of Strange taking in his luscious looks as well. "Well, perhaps this might amount to SOME sort of entertainment for you, gorgeous..." The mechanic shot a burst of energy at another random assistant and blew a hole right through him, making him scream in pain and fall over dead. The mechanic had no remorse in his eyes as he blew the smoke from the reactor and turned back to Stephen, tossing it onto the table again. "Any appeal to you yet, darling?"

Stephen floated next to him and clasped his hands together. He had true excitement written all over his face. His red eyes practically sparkled for something to happen. Strange smiled as he raised his eyebrow at the name. When he saw the hole from the blast on some random assistant he gasped happily. Hearing them scream in agony was music to the sorcerer's ears. He floated into Tony's arms and traced his finger on the other's chest. "A lot of appeal actually. That was pretty graphic" Stephen looked into the others eyes and bit his lip. "It was hot"

Tony's arms wound themselves around the sorcerers waist and pulled him even closer, feeling a shiver at the touch. He too had felt excitement and pleasure, but mostly because he had pleased Stephen so much. He hummed softly and smirked more. "Hot, you say? We I think that makes two of us..." the mechanic murmured and leaned in closer so that their blazing red eyes clashed together. "Since you're so new, perhaps I could show you to your quarters... I heard the bed is extra small..." Tony grinned and his hold on the others waist tightened slightly. "We'd have to squeeze a little to fit..."

Stephen wrapped his arms around the mechanic's neck. Humming softly at what he had been told. "We might break it..." He said with a smirk as he looked deep into Tony's red bambi eyes. His eyes were much redder than the others that the sorcerer's seen. "Perhaps you can carry me to my quarters?" He felt like he knew where this was going and hoped that when he's taken that the brunette better not pretend it didn't happen the next day.

Tony smirked more and lifted the sorcerer off his feet neatly and without effort. He was much stronger than the real tony, after all. "Course I will. A pretty thing like you doesn't deserve to walk like us peasants..." The mechanic started carrying him down the halls, feeling more excitement build up inside him. He kicked open the door dramatically and laid the sorcerer down on the small bed, climbing over him. "Giving you a fair warning now, darling..." he murmured as he traced his lips softly. "Once you get yourself into this, there's no climbing out. You're gonna be mine and mine alone..."

Stephen grinned as he was carried. He had given some others they passed along the way to his quarters a dirty look. Strange already felt like the mechanic was his and wrapped around his finger. He looked into the others eyes when they got on the bed. "Doesn't sound like a warning" the sorcerer smirked. "Sounds like an invitation"

"Good, cause I'm not letting you go either way..." the mechanic murmured and then crashed his lips against the sorcerer's.
Later that night, Tony was relaxed in his own quarters, the size of a small penthouse, since he had special privileges. Stephen was in his lap with his head nuzzled against his chest as they were curled up next to the fireplace since their base was in the snowy mountains and the mechanic was stroking through his hair, both in midnight black silky robes. "It is hard to believe that none have claimed you yet, Darling..." Tony whispered as he smiled more softly down at Stephen and leaned down to place a lingering kiss on his lips. "You're one of a kind. Intense and smart... you know just how to have fun, and you're a downright bad*ss... I'm counting myself lucky that I've appealed at all to you..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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