Ransom x Francis

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Photo editing down by yours truly.

Story is brought to you by the minds of SpiderLoft And myself, enjoy!


Ransom was on the streets, contemplating his win a few days ago. Nothing helps like causing pain for your loathed goody-two-shoes soldier brother. He sighed and wished he knew where to get some peace and quiet. Hmm, that bar would be lovely. He stepped in and took a seat, not really looking around to see who was there.

"My my.." A man who just sat down next to Ransom began. "Well you're far too clean for a bar like this" he smirked. "Good looking too" 

Ransom chuckled as he started on a flask of whiskey. Strong, but not too dangerous for relaxation. "You'd be surprised at the dirt I've got on my hands. Hard to wash off so might as well wear it."

"I see" He squinted his eyes a bit when looking at ransom's facial features. "You look oddly familiar "

"Maybe you've seen my brother," Ransom started to glare and glanced at the man for the first time. Maybe it was the whisky, but his heart gave a small leap and his cheeks heated. "Steve's got a reputation. Captain America, you know..."

"Oh you mean mister perfect?" He said sarcastically with an eye roll. "I honestly think the world makes too much of a big deal about him" he took a sip of his scotch. 

Ransom smiled and suddenly thought this guy was something more interesting and hotter than he thought before. "Glad to see somebody finally gets it..." He set his bottle down and looked the man in the eyes. "I'm Ransom..."

"Lovely name for such a handsome face" The man smiled at ransom. "My names Francis" he set his drink down

Ransom swallowed before speaking again, moving a bit closer to this irresistible man. "Could've sworn you said your name was sexy, my bad," he smirked. "Guessing you like to play with fire too, hm?"

"Yes and I don't mind when I get burned at times, quite like it actually. Makes me want to play with more til it gets bigger and takes down all that's in its way" Francis grinned. He was intrigued by this Ransom fellow. "Answer me this...do you like to cause trouble as well? Inflict misery on others?"

"Didn't earn the name Ransom for playing nice," he grinned and started to feel more allured by this Francis fellow now. "Fire licks up pretty hot, but there's nothing like a good sabatage or murder to set the fire ablaze..." He felt himself lean in slightly. "Seems only a few days ago I made out with Cap's boyfriend. Getting back at him makes crime seem dull at times..." he chuckled. "Though that guy has nothing on you, hottie..."

"My aren't you just deliciously bad..." Francis grinned. "Probably not as good as I've done days ago...I've given a man a weekend of torture along with other people, now he lives to look so hideously ugly" he chuckled at the memory. "And when the idiot made the place go into flames I stabbed him where he stood, leaving him for dead" he smirked and kept his eyes on ransoms. 

Ransom hummed, impressed. "Well well, never thought I'd live to see the day I got outwitted. But I wouldn't have it be anyone as devilishly devious as you, sugar..." He was itching to taste just exactly how sweet this sugar was. "Why don't you give me a little taste of that hellish fire, I'm dying to be burned..." 

"Only if you can handle it" Francis said as he leaned in. "Don't worry, I won't let you burn to death.." he whispered as his lips ghosted over Ransom's.

Ransom's breath hitched as he came so close this time. "Counting on that..." he murmured as he leaned close as well, the tips of their noses seeming to brush together. "I'm gonna need to stay alive to ravish you..."

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