Hydra Ironstrange

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- This was done by me and SpiderLoft during a roleplay

- Now for those of you who have read the Doctor Strange comics, I know I know, that isn't a hydra Stephen but I don't see actual fan art for if Doctor Strange was of Hydra so I had to use that one since you know. There's red in it.


One of Hydra's newest creations was Tony Stark. He was handsome, yes, but in many ways opposite. He was like a vampire with blood red eyes and pale skin. His hair had more spikes and he definitely didn't have that same joking and cocky aura around him. He was no soldier, but he was definitely serious. He was in his lab right now as one of his assistants messed up a small part of an important project- recreating Tony's armor and making it better. She started crying knowing what happens when they mess up, and he shot her without hesitation, sighing with boredom. He had seen the brand new agent here and he couldn't get his mind off him. He was handsome and had red eyes with pale skin as well, but he was a model based on doctor strange, so he was guessing his name was Stephen. He wanted to get him alone at some point, but he hadn't had much chance to get out of the lab at all, recently.

Stephen had been floating around with a bored expression on his face. His red eyes looked around for anything interesting to either watch, kill or converse with. Eventually stumbling upon the lab, he didn't care if mister whats his face thinks if he went in. The evil sorcerer went in anyways. "What're you doing in here? Something fun I hope- Ew, a worthless body. May I?" Without getting an answer he made a portal underneath the body, it was a dark looking one, and it fell through. After closing it he looked around at the many things that were in the lab. "Nice, almost catches my interest" he emphasized on the almost part.

Tony looked up when Stephen came in and his eyebrow shot up with a bit of a smirk. Damn this guy was hot in hydra spandex. Stark chewed a bit on the cigar he was puffing on and turned his gaze back to the counter where his work was, obviously flustered. "I'm glad it amuses you...." he huffed and his hands fisted slightly. "I'm sure you know me. Tony Stark- the better Tony Stark. Youre Stephen strange, I heard about your recent creation..." The mechanic glanced his red eyes Stephens way. "Haven't been able to crack how you use that magic of yours, though. I think its power is pretty useful, especially to hydra. Our creation can only mean that they see their own destruction in the future. So why not fight fire with fire?"

"Oh? You're the better one?" Stephen scoffed slightly as a smirk formed on his lips. "I haven't noticed" he started floating past the mechanic, purposely giving him a view of his spandex butt. So far this 'Better Tony' hasn't shown anything interesting. Sure he was handsome but looks aren't always entertaining. "I want to see them meet their downfall. I have fun with these things and I intend to keep it that way" the sorcerer landed on the ground and eyed whatever the mechanic was making.

Tony crunched down on the cigarette and spat it out into the bin as he caught sight of that glorious backside and nearly choked. "Yes, I am the better one. And from where I'm standing, you sure look like you could be the better Stephen..." the mechanic grinned and took a few steps closer to the sorcerer, thinking this guy was both intense and hot now. "I wanna watch the world burn, honestly. The human race doesn't know what's coming for them. We're privileged as it is to be the future of this world. Any future I can see, however, seems to always have you in it as well..." Tony's red Bambi eyes shimmered as he batted his lashes slightly, thinking strange was a tease. He held up the little device Stephen seemed curious about and smiled slyly. "Repulser cannon. It's a model replica of Stark's real armor, but a hundred times more powerful..."

"I better be," Stephen said as he looked at his black painted nails. "The only bad thing about the other Stephen is that he doesn't like children. Anyone can not like children" he rolled his eyes. Strange then faced the mechanic after realizing he had gotten closer, the smirk slowly coming back. "Watch the world burn, huh? Perhaps you are interesting...just a little" his eyes trained on the device that was in Stark's hands. "Really? I would love to see a test run" the sorcerer's red eyes had some excitement in them, wanting to see anything get destroyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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