xl. the untitled rachel berry project

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Series Five. Episode Twenty. The Untitled Rachel Berry Project.

THE TV COMPANY WERE SENDING A WRITER TO THE APARTMENT TO SEE HOW RACHEL AND HER FRIENDS LIVED THEIR LIVES. Knowing she was on her way; Rachel was excited to meet her, to see how it was going to turn out but she was so nervous, this really could make or break her career.

Sitting in the living room, Ruby had her legs draped over her boyfriend as they spoke to Artie and Mercedes about home and when they think they might have time to visit knowing how busy they all were. I think they were all desperate but especially Ruby to go and visit Mr Schue and Emma's new little baby. However by the time they get back, he might not be so little anymore.

"My dream of almost being naked on a bus is this close to coming true guys!" Sam exclaimed excitedly to the group.

"You know, I'd put your naked body on the side of a bus if you had asked baby?" Ruby smirked as she leaned up to kiss him.

The group of friends groaned as they watched the couple kiss fervidly but that didn't stop them. Coming in and placing a bowl of chips on the table, Blaine rolled his eyes at couple. "Come on, not in front of the kids! Pack it in you two!"  He whined, making them pull apart. Ruby apologised quietly before sneaking another peck.

"See this is what my show needs. Old friends struggling to make it in this world." Rachel piped up as took at seat at the end of the couch.

"Is it normal for a network to send a writer to hang out with the star to figure out the what to put in the show?" Artie questioned.

Ruby watched Rachel's face light up at Artie's interest and opened her mouth to launch into what I'm sure was a speech about how interesting and special they thought she was that they had to see first hand what Rachel's life was like in person. Catching their attention; Blaine shared a look with Mercedes and Ruby, they needed to do something fast if they were to get out of this.

When saved by the bell. The noise of the apartment door opening had the gang whip their attention to their visitor. Ruby's jaw dropped in surprise because who was stood in the apartment? Brittany S.Pierce.


SAM WAS HANGING OUT WITH BLAINE AND ARTIE AT HIS PLACE WHILST RUBY HEADED BACK TO SCHOOL. Playing video games with the two, Sam had dropped the unexpected bomb that he was planning on heading back to Lima soon. He thought the boys would be happy that he's doing what makes him happy but instead was greeted with a lecture from the two of them.

"So, I'm thinking of heading back to Lima. I don't think this city life is for me, it's a little bit too quick for me to keep up."  He said casually as he carried on playing.

Too busy concentrating on their game he hadn't noticed Artie put his controller down as the two of them stared at him. "Artie, I'm totally killing you here dude. What are you..."  He came to an abrupt halt when he realised both Blaine and Artie weren't saying anything.

"Have you told Bee?" Artie questioned him.

"I don't want to distract her, she's got a lot of school work to do this week."  He tried to shrug it off.

"You need to tell her before it's too late." Blaine pointed out.

"Exactly! I've seen Bee pissed and it isn't pretty. She deserves to know Sam." Artie told him.

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