xxvii. all or nothing

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Series Four. Episode Twenty Two. All or Nothing.

SAM WAS CONFLICTED. He didn't know what to do exactly when it came to Ruby. He knew she was scared and was waiting for Santana but until she returned home he wasn't exactly sure how to be there for her. He had never gotten a girl pregnant before so what was the right thing to say or do in this situation.

Something else that had been swirling around his head since their call with Santana at the weekend was what Santana had mumbled, probably hoping that he didn't hear but he did and he couldn't stop thinking about it. "Fuck! God damn it Hudson!" 

The baby was Finn's? When on earth did this even happen? If truth be told he wanted to march on down to the Ohio Community College and punch him straight in the face for being so careless and for putting her in this position. But he knew he'd be confronted with Puck and he wasn't in the mood to return home with a black eye for starting a fight with Finn.

He also knew Puck would probably have a few choice words about why he was so bothered about Ruby's business when he was still technically dating Brittany. So Sam put confronting Finn on the back burner for now and chose to just stick by her side until she returned from the doctors with Santana.

Tina and Ruby sat on top of the piano as they waited for glee to start, Sam leaning next to them, nudged Ruby's leg. "How are you feeling today?"  He whispered gently, looking at her with soft eyes. Just as Ruby went to answer, Brittany had made her return.

"Hey, Mr Schue! What about my original song? Do you remember?"  She said, instantly bursting out into a rendition of My Cup, backed by Artie and Blaine.

"My Cup is one of a kind but we're going with Marley's song."  He said sternly as he moved towards the whiteboard to start todays lesson.

"The only way to polish off that turd of a song is with my angelic alto voice." Brittany claimed as she jumped down to address everyone, who were all staring at her with wide eyes at her confession. "So I demand to sing it as a solo and I demand to sing all the good songs as solos. Everyone else can snap their fingers and march around behind me. Tina, please make me an exact replica of Jennifer Lawrence's Oscar dress."

"Errm no!" Tina furrowed her eyebrows at her friend.

"Errm yes. Let me break it down. No one in this musty old choir room compares to my megawatt star power. Blaine, you're shorter than your average lawn gnome. Joe, you look like a Yucatàn spider monkey. Ruby I love you never change. Tina, you know, she's..."

Sam jumped in front of Brittany, hoping to stop her from insulting anymore of their friends. "Brittany. I love you but you're really out of line here."  Completely ignoring him, Brittany pulled out her phone and began texting. "Will you stop texting. I'm trying to talk to you, it's really rude."

Sam was trying to get through to her when his phone went off, pulling it out of his pocket. He looked up at her in disbelief. "Did you seriously just break up with me -- via text?"

"As fascinated as I am by your down filled pillow soft lips that are ten times too big for your face. I really miss my sweet sweet lady kisses. Sorry slash not sorry! Ohh now you're free to truly be with who you're meant to be with. Moving on I repeat, I require all the solos. That's just the way it's gonna be." Brittany finished as she turned to leave.

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