xxxix. opening night

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Series Five. Episode Seventeen. Opening Night.

RACHEL BERRY'S OPENING NIGHT AS FANNY BRICE ON BROADWAY WAS FINALLY UPON US. And the gang were all flying into NYC in order to see their friend finally fly into the spotlight she had been dreaming of since she was a little girl.

Currently spread out across Rachel and Kurt's apartment; they were awaiting the arrival of Tina with Mercedes and Ruby discussing how long they think it would take before Tina opened her big mouth and said something wildly inappropriate in front of Rachel.

"Hey, you guys want in on our little bet?" Mercedes leant a little closer to the boys so Rachel wouldn't hear her.

"Yeah baby, what do you think?" Ruby said looking up from beside Sam. "I said give or take about two minutes"

"Yeah, I'll go with two minutes too."  He smiled down and pecking her on the lips.

"One minute!" Blaine added just as there was a knock on the door.

Rachel and Kurt jumped up from their seats to go greet her. Kurt turned the four of them, "Stop it!"  He glared at them warningly. The quartet didn't say anything just looked at him innocently, "Okay, thirty seconds."  He giggled before running to open the door to greet their friend.

After hugs were given; Tina gave Rachel a cute little potted plant as a good luck present. The gang all watched as Rachel mouthed thank you at her as she took the plant. "Oh no. Do you have laryngitis?"

Those in the living room all watched with wide eyes as Kurt explained she was just resting her voice for the show. "Oh thank god. This would not be a good time for you tonsils to flare up again, remember that? First year of glee club!"

"This is not happening?" Ruby whispered to them as they watched in horror. Squeezing the thigh that was draped over his legs, Sam reassured her this was in fact was real and was happening. "I can't believe it took her what ten seconds. Kurt won!" Blaine rolled his eyes at the group as Tina approached them.

Waving hello to the rest of you, Tina stopped in front of them with a grin. "Where is everyone? It's Rachel's opening night on Broadway, it's a big deal! Where's Artie, I was hoping I'd get to see him?" Kurt explained Artie's whereabouts and then it didn't take long before she continued to ramble as they watched on in horror. "And Quinn and Puck and Santana, I mean are they just not being supportive?"

"Why don't you catch us up. How's Brown University treating you?" Mercedes quickly changed the subject.

"Ahhhh I love everything about it except my dorm room, my room mate is from Pakistan and speaks almost no English and she's always watching that Al Jazeera channel. Nooooo -- I don't have a boyfriend. But I was dating this really nice guy but he turned to be..."

Tina was cut off with a round of "Gay -- He's definitely gay -- Probably gay -- Homosexual." making Ruby giggle into Sam's shoulder, Tina really was too predictable at this point. Tina started to protest before sighing and telling us he was in fact gay.

"Anyway, Rachel I read this amazing story about you on Broadway" Kurt sat up a little straighter as the others shared a knowing glance with one another, this wasn't going to end well. "And they are predicting that Funny Girl is gonna be a huge hit and so is everybody else except for a few moronic bloggers and who are they to call you pitchy? And do NOT get me started on those anonymous comment trolls. I mean you are not that short!"

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