xxxviii. tested

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Series Five. Episode Sixteen. Tested

RUBY HAD TAKEN BLAINE OUT AS A TREAT. She felt that she owed him at least that after what he had walked in on. Grimacing at the memory, her cheeks flushed pink with embarrassment thinking about the traumatised looked that flashed across his face. Ruby was rarely embarrassed about a lot of things but she felt so terrible, she just knew she had to make it up to him.

Blaine looked over his shoulder as he waited for their order, collecting their coffee and his cronuts when the barista called his name. Sitting down opposite the brunette, he slid her coffee over to her. The two sitting in silence as she gratefully wrapped her hands around the warm cup of caffeine.

"Bee. Look I..."

"Blaine I'm sorry!"  They started at the same time.

Blaine's eyes went wide as they spoke over one another. His cheeks instantly flushing pink as the blush rose in his face at the image of what happened came rushing back to the front of his brain. There wasn't physically any way he couldn't get rid of the image he saw on the inside of his eyelids, as he tried to shake the image out of his consciousness.


Blaine was minding his own business, walking back to Kurt's apartment after class hoping to prepare dinner for when his fiancé finished school. Sliding the door to the apartment open but instead of being greeted by an empty apartment he was greeted by something much worse.

Shook by the image of Sam's bare arse. It took a moment for what was happening to kick in until he saw two legs hike themselves up the sides of Sam's torso. Sam was having sex with Ruby in their living room. Well he hoped it was Ruby. In Kurt and Rachel's apartment. The two clearly hadn't heard the door open and seemed unfazed by the fact they were out in the open and when Blaine realised what was happening, he screamed.

Caught like two deers in the headlights. Sam looked over his shoulder as Ruby peered around his arm to see a wide eyed Blaine stood in the doorway to the apartment.

"Shit! Oh my god Blaine!"

Sam hurried to pull the blanket off the back of the sofa over them and to cover his arse from Blaine's eye line. Hanging his head low into the space between Ruby's neck and shoulder.

"Alright mate, what's up?"  He mumbled into her skin. Having not moved in fear of flashing either of them even more to their friend.

"Please tell me you're not having sex in the living room?"  He pleaded.

"Would you believe us if we said no?" Ruby asked from underneath her boyfriend. Sam laughed, his whole body rumbling with laughter and forgetting he technically hadn't had chance to pull out yet. Ruby grabbed on his bicep in warning, hoping Blaine hadn't noticed.

"You guys are unbelievable. We all have to sit on that sofa.Blaine groaned.

In an attempt to salvage the situation, Sam hoisted himself up on his forearms, grasping at the blanket that covered the two of them to try hide the rest of their dignity. He hoped to then try charm his way out of the predicament they found themselves in. But the unmistakable moan that left Ruby's mouth as Sam's slight movement caused him to hit a particularly good spot! Did not, I repeat did not go unnoticed by Blaine Anderson.

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