i. hold on to sixteen

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Series Three. Episode Eight. Hold On to Sixteen

WHEN FINN HUDSON GETS AN IDEA, NINETY PERCENT OF THE TIME YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN ENTERTAIN HIM. That other ten percent when he had a lightbulb moment he hits the jackpot. And luckily for the New Directions this time he had struck gold! Mr Schue looked across his desk with slight concern at the young boy's outburst. The idea was ridiculous! Would it even be possible?

"Finn we don't even know where he is?" Mr Shue sighed. "Let's say you find him how are you going to convince him to come back to Lima and leave his family?"

"Well Rachel is going to come with me and she can be very persuasive!" Mr Schue nodded in agreement.

"I know it's a long shot but I figured we could go and surprise him and I can convince his parents that he can live with me and then he can come back and help us win sectionals and finish school here." Finn grinned at Mr Shue.

"Look I know that Kurt spoke to him over the summer, he knows where he works and in what state, surely I could narrow it down on the internet. How hard could it be?" he shrugged.

Mr Schue pondered for a moment before nodding at Finn. 'Fine. Let's bring Sam Evans home!"


SUE SYLVESTER HAD HELD RUBY BACK AFTER CHEERIOS PRACTISE WHICH THEN HAD RUBY RUNNING TO THE CHOIR ROOM TO TRY MAKE IT IN TIME FOR GLEE. Just as she was rounding the corner she could hear her friends finishing up singing and everyone starting cheering and in turn intriguing the girl as to what she had missed. 

Skidding to halt in the doorway, Ruby took at a deep breath to try compose herself before speaking. "Hey, sorry I'm late Mr Schue. Coach Sylvester had me run an errand. What's everyone so excited about?"

Ruby watched all her friends smiling weirdly at her, when they all parted like the Red Sea to reveal Sam Evans who turned around smiling brightly at her. Knocking that breath straight back out of her lungs.

"Hey Bee."  Staring at him, it took Ruby a second before the grin stretched across her face before she ran at the blonde. Jumping into his arms, the Evans boy squeezed Ruby tightly before nuzzling into her neck closely.

"I missed you so much!" Ruby started.

"God you don't know how much I've missed you." Sam spoke at the same time, whilst pulling away to get a look at the smaller girl. Just as he was pressing a quick kiss to the top of his best friend's head, Santana came into the choir room.

"Just heard the news that Trouty mouth is back in town. I've been keeping a notebook just in case this day ever came: Welcome back Lisa Rinna, I've missed you so much since your family packed their bags, loaded them in your mouth and skipped town. Can't tell you how many times I wanted to enjoy a crisp pickle, but couldn't find anyone to suck the lid off the jar. I assume you've been working as a baby polisher where young mothers place their infant's heads in your mouth to get back that new born shine. So glad you're back, I've not seen a smile that big since a claymation abominable snowman got his teeth pulled by that little gay elf dentist. Love, Santana."

Ruby looked up at Sam from where she was tucked into his side and smiled when he stepped forward to hug their friend. "I missed you too Santana"

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