Chapter 8- Bloody noses don't help

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Kat's POV


My eyes are wide as I walk around the hallways of my school, or at least what's left of it.

The whole top left of the second floor is burnt down.

I start to freak out but then quickly compose myself trying not to think about the worst case scenario so soon.

I yell at nothing in particular which just makes this situation all the worse. "So now we've-converted to yelling at walls? That's just flip-frackin- fantastic, now isn't it?" I say and this time it's to myself.

Lord could you let me live a normal life for just one day?

One without beatings-

One without heartache-

One where I at least have one friend.

I always ask so I know the answer to each of these.

There is none.

God doesn't want to answer my prayers so maybe I should just stop praying, maybe I should just give up.

Life obviously doesn't want me- wait a minute.....Is that a ladybug?

My eyes widen in fear as I look at my hand that has a ladybug on it.

Oh my friggincheescakes!

It's a friggin ladybug!

Oh ma gawd!

I'm gonna pass out.

Just as I feel the dizziness start to take over somebody yells my name.

The sound is frightening so I just stand still like a statue.

The sound gets closer.

My eyes then look down towards my hand....

"How do you know my name?" I look at the ladybug not even noticing the person running towards me.

Once they reach me they see the shock written all over my face.

"I was looking everywhere for you, we have to go now, before they come back...." He stops talking once he notices that I'm not even paying attention to him.

My mind is otherwise occupied with something else at the moment.

"Did you know that ladybugs can talk?" I ask looking up at him with a serious face.

"What?No- I- we need to get out of here now they're coming for you." He says.

"Shut up let me focus on its voice."I say with a stern look on my face.

I hear something!!

"Gee, I feel like I'm in Horton's hears a who, except its Kat hears a ladybug!"I feel giddy.

"Now we can go!"I say and we start to leave the school.

We go downstairs and then head outside if the building in a hurry.

"Oh my goodness! Are you okay Tay?"I look for the source of the voice and that its Davina.

She wobbles over to me with her huge stomach under her oversized shirt lightly showing.

"DEV!"I yell her name and run to her.

We both meet in the middle and hug and then I feel more pairs of arms around us and look up to see the guys.

We all relax in the sweet embrace of family and familiarity.

Then the world starts to fade away and all I can think about is how safe I feel.

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