Chapter 2

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tw for r✯pe later

He trailed up my body and kissed my neck, right at my most sensitive spot.

I grabbed onto the tan blanket, whimpering quietly. My eyes widened after I had let out the sound.
"I..I'm sorry, i didnt mean to make sound!" I whispered, so quietly that only he could hear me if the room was silent.

He lifted his head, staring into my eyes.

I closed my eyes, waiting. I could feel the suns warmth on my skin, it felt nice.

"Look at me, darling." Esteban ordered gently, his voice calming me slightly.

I opened my eyes and looked at his frowned lips.

"Come, lay on top of me." He said softly, laying in the bed. I hesitated.
"I'm naked, i'll dirty you.. master," I protested quietly.

"Listen to me, pet." Master ordered, grabbing my upper arm and pulling me on top of him. I made sure to not have my head touch him, afraid that I would get hit if I did.
"I won't hurt you," he whispered, his hands on my back.

He won't? Why not?

I gently put my head onto his white shirt, my head facing left.

"There we go, good boy." he praised, his hands massaging my back. He was so nice.

Should I do something?

"would you like me to rub you or clean something?" I whispered, lifting my head to look at his eyes.
"No, Ollie," Esteban replied, gently smiling.

I stayed silent, taking in his scent.

we stayed like this for a while.

I could feel my eyes get heavy and I tried to keep them open as long as I can.

------ A little tw for r✰pe-------

I was in my cage again, my metal muzzle on my face again.

Was that all a dream?

"Get up, Olliver" the guard growled, opening my cage.

I crawled out and walked to the table, like every morning. I stripped, got onto the table, spread my legs, and kept my arms to my side.

Tears flooded my eyes.

I can't believe that wasn't real.
The guard grabbed my waist tightly. "Stupid slut." He muttered, ramming himself into me.

I jolted up and looking around.

It was just a dream???
I really am with the prince?

"What has you so startled? You were whimpering in your sleep." Esteban questioned, sitting up and putting his book down.

I hesitated.
Should I tell the truth?
No, he'd get mad at me.

"I.. its nothing master, I'm sorry." I whispered, avoiding eye contact.

Esteban narrowed his eyes. "I dont like lying, come here." He said, his tone of voice stern.

He's going to hit me!

I shrunk up and he grabbed my wrists, pulling me to him. I tried to pull away, my body shaking.
"I- I'm sorry master!" I cried out, my eyes wide while I tried pulling away.
Esteban raised his hand and I closed my eyes tightly, moving my head away.

"I'm not mad, Ollie," Esteban whispered, petting me after letting my arms down.
I opened my eyes and crawled to him, sitting at his lap.
"Now answer my question." Master said, petting my hair.

Goosebumps rose to my skin.
"I- I was being used again, I thought this wasnt real, I'm sorry" I whispered, looking at his eyes, reading his expression.

He looked away from me and towards the window.

He looked angry.

Maybe he doesn't want me anymore.

Maybe he thinks I'm gross.

He's going to punish me for sure.

"I.. I didn't like it when h..he did that, master, I promise!" I cried out, bowing on the bed.

Esteban cleared his throat and pushed me so I was laying on my side.
I instantly curled up, afraid of punishment.
"I'm not mad at you," he soothed, caressing my face. I looked at him, he wasn't mad looking anymore.
"Im still sorry, master, I wish I wasn't used so I could be what you want." I whispered.

It was true, he probably doesn't like me anymore.

"Hush," master ordered, tugging my hair lightly.

I kept my mouth shut.
I don't know why i talked so much.

Master was quiet for a few seconds. "I will be back, please stay here, if you walk out, I will punish you." He explained, standing and looking at me.

I sat up and nod, my eyes meeting his of a moment before returning to the bed sheets.

He left, closing the door.

I stayed on the bed, looking around. It was a few minutes later before the door opened.

I looked over at it, becoming slightly confused.

There stood a girl with blonde and brown hair.

its a shorter chapter but 🏌️‍♂️ yeah, i wrote this a year ago but like on paper so its not developed well lmao, but im making some changes to it 🤪
thank you for reading 👁️

The Sweet Pet (Not Continuing For Now.)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن