"Your birthday is coming up! What are you gonna dooo" Kate squealed

"Lock myself in my room and die of crippling depression? I don't know?" Autumn said in an almost mocked tone

"I felt that to my core" Ethan snickered from the front

"Gen z tings"

"Oh come on, I'm serious. You have to do something to celebrate"

"What is there to celebrate?" she asked

"The joy of life"

My life has no joy-"



"Don't think like that! Lisa's right there!"

"So? She's fifteen and we share the same parents. She knows what's depression" Autumn snickered

"Oh hush you" Kate playfully slapped her arm against the girl's shoulder, causing her to chuckle

"But in all honesty, there's nothing to do besides sitting on a couch and eating" Autumn said

"Why don't you celebrate with your fami-" Jamie was cut off by the cold glare come from Kate in the corner of the car

"Oh" Jamie muttered under her breath

"No it's okay, I'm accustomed to it" Autumn chuckled

"Can I just say how fucked up both of your parents are?" Ethan shouted from the front

"Thank you" Lisa and Autumn both grinned

"I want to adopt you both" Jamie groaned as she cupped the smaller girl's cheek, giving it a small pinch

"I'm the oldest one in this car" Autumn said

"Your point is?" Jamie smirked, causing the raven hair girl to chuckle

Kate furrowed her brows, the sounds of their laughter and giggles drowned out as she seemed to slip into another section of her own mind. Her eyes landed on Autumn, trailing over her sharp jawline and stopping at her perfect smile from her side profile.

She seemed so genuinely happy these days. Her smile wasn't forced and it would reach her ear, she always tried to involve the girl in anything that was happening and besides the whole sexual tension they obviously had, it seemed as if they were friends. Well, atleast she hoped they were

And birthdays were important to Kate, it was the one time a year that her parents pulled themselves together to deliver a crazy birthday party for her or her sister when she was younger

It was the most memorable times of her life, especially having her family over. The air was always filled with happiness, their laughter would be heard down the street and her cheeks were always stained red from the embarrassing stories they'd tell

It broke her heart to know that Autumn had never experienced something like that in her life

And although she has more money than she could ever count, Autumn still decided to stay at home and do nothing

As much as Kate's mind warned her not to think too deep about it, her heart was telling her another thing.

Her eyes glanced towards Jamie, knowing the girl would understand what she was signalling. Jamie raised her brow when Kate nodded towards Autumn

"Oh! Got it!" Jamie said out loud causing Kate to face palm

"What?" Autumn asked

"Oh! Nothing. Um. What if we take you out to dinner?" Jamie asked

"We?" Autumn questioned

"Ethan, Kate and I" Jamie said causing the raven hair girl to furrow her brows and turned to face Kate

"You want to take me out?"

"It's your birthday, let's go out and have some fun" Kate smiled

Something came across the blue orbs that terrified many, something that twinkled brighter than the sugar stars of the night sky. A smile met her lips that held the brightness of the sun, glowing through her soul

"Really?" Autumn asked in a soft voice, making Kate's heart twitch in her chest

"Yes, really" Kate chuckled

That smile seemed to turned into a blush, Autumn's cheek glowed red as she hung her head low. Her dark locks fell to the side of her face before she bit her lip

"Yay" She giggled

Kate's heart flutter in her chest once again, there was just something about Autumn that made her lose control of her entire body. Her smile, her laugh, her Stare. Kate knew she had it bad but she had no idea what to do about it

To get hurt wasn't on her bucket list

To fuck up what she's built wasn't on her bucket list

To lose Autumn wasn't on her bucket list

"Shit, I just forgot I have to work on your birthday" Kate hissed

Those blue orbs that resembled the glow of a chandelier slowly died as if the bulb all went out one by one, shutting off every happy emotion Autumn had within her. Her face fell slowly and Kate felt her heart clench just seeing the disappointment written all over her

The dissapointment that Autumn was so accustomed to

"Oh. It's cool" Autumn mumbled before snapping her head in the direction of the road

Regret. Regret was engraved in Kate's name when she realized what was going to happen. She'd never wanted to hurt the girl nor be the one that dissapointed her, as well as eveyone else in her life. But it was just apart of her plan

Surely Kate didn't mean to fuck anything up, but maybe she just did

Quiet On Set (GirlxGirl) Where stories live. Discover now