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So before we get to the testimony part, I thought I'd introduce myself ;)

Hi, hello, my name is Emma! I'm seventeen and got saved when I was fourteen.

I've always loved art so music, painting/drawing, writing in general are some of my hobbies. (You can find some of my original stories on my other profile, bitterblackberries) Others include biking, hiking, and outdoor stuff in general. Fairly skilled at rollerskating.

Favorite music artists would be...
KB (he played a big part in my own coming to Christ and I got to facetime him for the release of his album His Glory Alone, the guy is my inspiration and I'll probably talk about him a LOT)
Casting Crowns
Brandon Heath
Zach Winters
The Dust of Men

Otherwise I just kinda find random good songs here and there and am not very loyal to any one particular artist or style. If you've got any good song suggestions I'd love to hear 'em!

Hugely introverted but who on wattpad isn't

Some of my favorite books/series are:
× The Ascendance series by Jennifer A. Nielsen
× The Skybreaker Trilogy by Kenneth Oppel
× Ranger's Apprentice series by John Flanagan
× The Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini
× Alex Rider series by Anthony Horowitz
× Pendragon by DJ MacHale

Favorite movies:
× The Boys Next Door (the one based on the Tom Griffin play.)
× Flipped
× Cool Runnings (a classic)
× Spiderman FFH and marvel in general
× Little Women (2019)

Favorite shows:
× Agents of Shield
× The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
× Gotham
× Alex Rider

Favorite animal is either a black bear or a bumble bee, if bees count.

The best season imo is definitely fall. Or maybe spring... but mostly fall.

Favorite passage from the Bible would have to be Hebrew 11. Of course I love and want to understand the entirety of the Bible but that's been the one that keeps me going when I've hit the bottom.

So yeah! Feel free to tell me about yourself in the comments, maybe we have some interests in common. <3

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