Chapter 33: Few months gone

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Ariana's POV

I was half asleep thinking of Jai. He made me the happiest person in the world. He will never let me go and I know that. I love him more than anything. I just want to be with him forever. Of course with Ariel.

I then was now completely awake laying on Jai's chest. He was awake too, checking twitter.

Hey Ari baby,Jai says kissing my nose.

Hey, I say and kiss his forehead.

What do you want to eat, Jai asks me and rubs my stomach.

Anything,I say and rub Jai's stomach.

Ok lets go, he says and  grabs my arm and we both head downstairs.

Wait, I stop and he let's go of my arm.


You forgot Ariel, I say.

Oh yah, Jai says and carries my beautiful daughter.

There's my little kitty, I say and pinch it's cheek.

Mama stof et, Ariel says.

I laugh.

Ok little kitty, I say and kiss her soft cheeks.

No I buttfly, Ariel says and crosses her arms.

I look at Jai and raise my eyebrow. I look back to Ariel.

Ok your Daddy's little butterfly nor kitty, but your my kitty.

Ok awiana, Ariel says and kisses my nose.

That's mama awiana for you, I say and chuckle.

We both head downstairs and I start to make breakfast.

While I was on my phone Jai's phone started to ring. His ringtone was Honeymoon Avenue. He is so sweet.

Anyways he answered his phone and went to the living room.

When I finished cooking I gave Ariel a plate of eggs and toast. Jai's plate had eggs, salad, and two pieces of toast. And I had pancakes.

Ariel looked at my food and looked at hers.

I went to the fridge to get Ariel and I a drink.

While I brought to glasses of milk a 1 piece of my pancake was gone.

I looked at Ariel and she was was biting on my pancake.

You little thief, I say while giggling.

Mama et no nice to call names, Ariel says.

I know kitty I'm sorry, I say in my baby voice.

I then look at my food and switched my food with Riley's since she doesn't want eggs and toast.

Jai started to walk in the kitchen a little upset but sad.

Hey baby, let's eat.

Ok, Jai says sadly.

Living room, I ask Jai.

Living room, he says.

Me and Jai head to the living room while Ariel eats.

What's up, i ask confused.

Ariana, you know I love you and Ariel so much. You guys are my world. I would never leave you and Ariel. I will always be by your side. But I have to leave for 4 months, because I have tour. I asked my manager if I didn't have to go, but he wouldn't let me. I'm sorry, Ariana, he says and looks down.

I hold Jai's hand and give him a passionate kiss to show that I will always love him. Jai it's ok I understand. Me and Ariel will be waiting for you and we will always love you.

Thank you, Jai says and kisses my cheek. I love you.

I love you more, I say.

I give Jai a tight hug. Then Ariel starts yelling.

Dada give mama back, I see her, Ariel yells.

Ok butterfly, Jai yells back.

Mama, I see dada too please, Ariel yells again.

Ok kitty, I yell.

Me and Jai both head to the kitchen walking out holding hands.

Jai puts his hands in his pockets and notices something in there. He takes it out and it was a charm.

Oh yah, Ari I forgot to give you this, Jai tells me and hands me a charm.

It was a charm that said "our first baby Ariel".

I love it Jai, I say and give him a soft kiss.

Jai attaches the charm to my bracelet filled with charms that Jai gave me before.

We then continued to eat breakfast.

Jai then looks at Ariel in confusion.

Butterfly, why do you have so much pancakes, Jai asks.

Mama me, Ariel says with pancakes in her mouth.

Huh, Jai asks again confused.

I gave her my pancakes, because she doesn't like her food, I say and show Jai my little plate of eggs and toast.

Jai starts to laugh.

That's my little butterfly, Jai says and pinches her cheeks.

Dada what I say bout no pinch, Ariel says and grabs Jai's thumb and bites it.

Ow, Jai says pretending it hurts.

Dat you get, Ariel says and laughs.

Ariel, I say and kiss Jai's thumb.

No Ariel you don't bite Daddy's thumb, I say.

Sorry mama, Ariel says sadly.

It's ok kitty just don't do it again, I say and kiss her forehead.

*few days later*

Me and Ariel were at the hospital with Jai. He was about to leave to go on tour. I teared up and Ariel wiped my tears with her little hands.

I love you, I tell Jai and give him a long kiss.

I love you more, Jai says and kisses my forehead.

I love you too, Jai tells Ariel and kisses her forehead.

Love you, Ariel says and kisses Jai's cheek.

Ow, Ariel says and rubs her face.

What's wrong butterfly, Jai says confused.

You face hurt my face, Ariel says and points at Jai's chin.

I laugh. Jai remember to shave before you kiss Ariel, I say and laugh.

Ok, I love you guys both, Jai says and starts to board.

I teared up a little and yelled, "we love you" and me and Ariel give him a wave. Jai waves back and starts boarding.

Short again. Sorry. I probably might have one or two chapters and then you could read the sequel. :)

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