Chapter 21: Will you be my Mom again?

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Ariana's POV

I woke up and saw my pillow was wet because of my tears and Jai's shirt was wet as well. Wow I cry a lot. Jai sees me awake and sits up. Baby, you alright. Yah I'm fine. Ok lets forget about the sad things and let's have some fun. Alright, I tell Jai. Let's watch some movies, eat popcorn, and plan things for our baby, Jai tells me. Ok.

Me and Jai had fun today. Today I ate a lot of food. Probably that's how it feels to feed your own child and i. Jai thinks I eat more than a hippo. I had to remind him we had a baby that's why I eat so much. Baby, I'm gonna take a shower, k? Alright I'm gonna cook some food. No don't cook. I'll cook when I finish taking a shower. Jai it's ok I can do it. Alright, but remember don't burn yourself. Ok, I tell him. He kisses my finger and walks to the shower. I giggle. I start to prepare the things I will need to cook. I get all the food and utensils and stuff, but I couldn't find the spatula. Jai, where's the spatula, I yell. He didn't answer. He probably can't hear me. *The door rings* I open it and see my mother in front of me. Ariana can I come in?? Um ya sure come inside. My mom sits on the couch. And starts to face me. Ariana, I'm sorry for that way I acted I know it's stupid and I overreacted. I'm just mad, because my baby girl is growing up and I can't stand her having a new life now. And i don't want you to have a child with Nathan. My mom starts to tear up.Mom are you kidding?! That isn't Nathan's ,it's Jai's. Why would you think that?! Well remember how you got raped by him? Well that's what I thought what happened and where you got the baby.Mom it's Jai's remember that and Nathan was at least wearing something, so that's a good thing I don't have a baby from a different dad. I'm sorry I thought it was someone else's child, my mom tells me. It's ok mom, you didn't know. I hug my mom. I'm sorry too for acting that way to you yesterday. I should have been nicer to talk to you and you are still my mom. Thank you for the apology, my mom tells me. So do you have any names for your baby?? Me and Jai aren't sure yet, but we are thinking of a boy and girl names. That's great.

Jai's POV

I finally finish taking a shower and I can hear voices. I get a towel and wrap it around my waist and walk to the kitchen. Babe, who are you talking to? I look and see her mom sitting next to her. I'm guessing you two made up, Jai tells me and smiles. Yah baby. Hello Jai. Hi Ms. Grande. She comes up to hug me. You can call me mom. Ok mom, I tell her and laugh. And do me favor and wear some pants and a shirt. Oh uh yah mom sorry about that, I tell her and put on some clothes on.

Ariana's POV

Well princess, I'll ttyl, my mom tells me. Well you won't be a princess anymore, you'll be queen. I'll always be your princess, I tell her. I give my mom a hug and she walks out. Jai comes into the bedroom and sees me looking at him. Seriously, I ready put on a shirt and she's not here anymore?! I giggle. It's fine you can take off the shirt. Finally, Jai tells me. He takes off the shirt and sits next to me. Jai and I talk about our baby again all night.

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