Chapter 18: Am I pregnant?

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Ariana's POV

*month later*

I had just finish recording Break Free and I'm about to do the shooting for the music video. Problem was hit so probably this may be too.

I called Jai on skype since he wasn't in Florida with me. He was back in Australia. I ringed him 2 times and he finally answered. Hey babe, how's it going? Well I'm going to do the Break Free music video on Friday. Yay, congrats to my princess. Thank you I wish you were here, I tell him. I do too. We chatted for hours and then I went to sleep after I hanged up.

Jai's POV

I'm gonna surprise Ariana at Florida? Anyone want to come with me? I can't I'm busy, Beau tells me. I'll come with you, Luke tells me. Ok then it's settled, we are leaving tonight. What already?! I didn't even pack, Luke yells. Well start packing right now, I tell him. Fine, luke tells me and walks up stairs.

Ariana's POV

I walk into the kitchen and start to make myself a sandwich. While I was eating I felt something come up my stomach. I was about to throw up. I ran to the bathroom as fast I could and puked in the toilet. I felt a little sore and walked slowly. As I passed by the mirror I walked back toward the mirror and putted my shirt up. I looked at my stomach. My stomach was getting a little big. That's strange I dont really eat that much. I seemed really skinny before and now it looks like I gained a few pounds. I even notice that my period was late. What was going on, I thought to myself. And something came into my head. No, I can't be. I slowly run to the bathroom and get a pregnancy test and check what my results were. It was positive. S***! How was my mom gonna react. Probably not as bad, but you never know. I started tearing up a bit and so I called Alexa to come over. She knew I was crying so she drove to my house as fast as she could. Alexa, comes in through my door without even knocking. Ari, what's wrong?? I...I. Ari, it's ok just tell me we can go through this together and Jai will too. I look down and look straight into Alexa's eyes with tears. I'm pregnant, I tell her softly. What?! How did this happen?! I think Jai forgot to use it. Ari are you ok? Yah I'm fine. It's just that I'm happy to have a baby, but I'm just scared what will my family think of me and how will my fans treat me and I'm don't know how to deliver a baby. I start crying even more. Ari, it's ok. I know they will understand how hard your going through. Thank you Alexa for coming, I tell her. You don't have to thank me, she tells me. Well Ariana you should be happy because this is the life you and Jai wanted. I know and I'll try not think of the bad things. Good for you now lets go hang out like old times before you become a mom.

Sorry if this chapter was short, but I hoped you liked it.

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