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Saweetie Pov}

We looked at the laptop screen and saw a footage of me and Dave everytime we are together at the end of the video "I am coming for you!" Popped up.I shut the lap top immediately and ran to my room.Tae got up and ran behind me.we both lock the room and sat by the door.I took out my phone texting Tae telling him "answer the phone and act like your on another phone call" while he was trying to talk to me.I called his phone and he answered he held up his hand and went to the bathroom.


Tae:what the fuck was that?

Me:I don't know and I don't have any idea who it could be.

Tae:This is a lifetime movie bullshit.

Me:We can't tell anyone in the house cause we don't know if they are the person or If they are working with the person.

Tae:What about your sister?

Me:She is 100% trusted but she can't keeps secret and yk that.

Tae:*sigh* so we are only trying dave?

Me:I want to but

Tae:Shut up!That nigga will protect your pregnant ass incase you don't know this is close to a lifetime movie.The person wanna come after you for something Dave did.

Me:Okay we will tell him when he gets back okay?

Tae:yeah end the call so I can pretend I'm still on one.


I ended the call and 5 minutes later Tae came out the room and walked downstairs.Went to the pool with the rest watching everyone single move,we heard the door slammed.I turned and saw Dave.I ran and hugged him,he whispered in my ear 'We need to talk'I nodded and called Tae as we all walked the to security room.

He shit the door and he got on his knees holding my hand.

Dave:Baby you got to be careful someone is out there for and I feel they gonna come after you too


Dave:wait baby but I was telling you

Me:I know

Dave jumped up and said holding my hands,I pulled out the laptop and note and he carefully observe them.Once he is finish he came and told,me and Tae don't tell anyone about this,and we agreed.

Once he is finish he came and told,me and Tae don't tell anyone about this,and we agreed

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Famous Love (Saweetie Version)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt