Everyone stood up and the bride slowly started walking towards the groom, she was beautiful in her figure hugging dress and a little flower girl in front of her.

As the ceremony continued, I was awe stuck, it was exactly like what I imagined, the couple were so in love, I glanced around the hall to find some of my old friends from college.

The ceremony ended and we all moved to a wide hall next to the church for lunch. As we finished our meal, bride and groom entered the room greeting everyone.

Everyone cleared the floor for the new couple to have their first dance, the lights dimmed focusing only on the couple.

"I will get us something to drink," I nodded and Vikram went away.

I jumped in fear when someone pushed me from behind yelling my name. I turned to find the culprit, " what are you doing here?"

"What are YOU doing here?"

We both said in unison, it was Sachin who was yelling at me, I never thought I would find him here.

"My family is friends with the bride's," Sachin explained.

"Abhay is my college friend," I told pointing to the groom, they were finished dancing, now everyone were on the dance floor.

"Come on, you still owe me a dance," Sachin pulled me onto the dance floor, I couldn't say no.

He maintained his distance moving slowly according to the song, " I am bad at dancing," I glanced around to find anything to escape.

" You think everyone who is dancing here are good?" He chuckled making me giggle. Well that's true, let me just roll with it.

Sachin was now looking over my head, watching something behind me, I turned to see what he was looking, " Vikram!"

His face was hard, he only gave me a tight smile, I suddenly have the urge to dig into the ground and bury myself.

"This is Sachin, my colleague," I introduced to Vikram, " and Sachin, this is Vikram, my friend," I cut short the relations, it would be easier this way.

"I need to go, my mom is calling," with that said Sachin left us, I stood there awkwardly in the middle of the dance floor.

Vikram took my hand pulling me towards him, " shall we?" I nodded following his steps, his fingers grazed on my back giving chills to my skin.

Abhay passed us dancing with his mother, he gave me a toothy grin, I nodded at him before focusing on Vikram, his cologne was mild yet soothing.

His eyes were focused on my face, I can see questions clearly dancing in his eyes," can I ask you something?" he said.

See told ya.

I nodded enjoying the music, " why are you sad?" his question made me stop in my track but he moved me along with him.

I opened my mouth to speak but he beat me to it, " before you can say anything, don't feed me the ' I am not ' crap, if you don't want to talk about then it's fine but don't lie," he added.

I smiled at his genuineness, he figured it out but is ready to wait for me to answer the truth, I think it's time I move on and tell someone the truth.

"Abhay was the player in the college but he was sweet to me, I was different for him and I thought may be even I can have the chance of getting a guy best friend like everyone around me was having," his face held a serious look listening carefully to my every word.

"What I didn't knew was he already has a girl bestie," I scoffed, why would he choose me," My friends even warned me that he wanted more that friendship, I didn't believe it in the beginning but later as we talked more I realised he has feelings for me, I thought I could make him understand,"

All the memories rushed back to me and it moved in front of my eyes like a movie.

"And he thought he could change me into liking him that way, we fought, I knew he couldn't have any future with me, I was bound to obey my family which strictly stated no boys and staying with me will only hurt him more so I kept pushing him away every time and one day he stopped coming back," I finished.

And what hurts is, deep down I wanted him to succeed in his idea of changing me, " do you know what hurts more?" I asked Vikram.

"What?" He said in a low voice. I gulped the lump forming in my throat," that day when he left, I lost a friend whom I trusted with all my gut," my voice creaked at the end.

I looked away not wanting to face him but he tugged my chin turning me to face him gently checking my face, "I think what you had was more than friendship," he whispered.

"May be it was," I said without making an eye contact, " and may be it was for the best that I pushed him away, a dysfunctional moody girl like me can only hurt him rather that making him happy."

"You are not dysfunctional," he objected.

"Then maybe you don't know me that well," he gave me a sad look, I don't need his pity, I just told him because I wanted to talk it out for a long time and now that I did it, I am happy, " don't worry it was long back, I moved on and I am happy that he found someone who can give the love he deserved."

I smiled stopping the dance and walked to get some water to clear my throat, he silently followed me.


Her dress

Did she do the right thing by pushing him away?

Okay so this might be the only chapter for this week, I have some deadlines pending, will see you on the weekends:)

Me: introvert writing a story about a introverted girl.

My readers: introverts reading a story written by an introvert about a introverted girl😂

My jokes might be even horrible that Harry styles knock knock jokes, but I will take it😅

Vote if you like the joke🌟👇

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