Thor x Carol - No more - part 2

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Why was the damn thing missing?

Carol checked it over and over again, but it was nowhere to be found. How could this have happened? Did Thor take it away?

She would kill him if he did. What even was he planning on doing with her now? He had brought her here to heal, but now she was healed, and powerless, and likely useless for him.

She leaned with her forehead against the closet and felt the urge to cry. After a moment of just feeling self-pity, she grabbed a tank top and a sports bra and sports leggings.

She changed a little stiffly, her body still wasn't used to all the movements. She felt a little trapped, but tried to ignore the thought, as it wasn't helping her mood at all.

She left the room and started jogging through the hallways, trying to memorize the layout as best as she could.

By the time she found the gym, she already forgot how she got there. Not that she cared much honestly, she could survive there.

Halfway through her workout someone walked in. The rhythm of the footsteps sounded familiar, but she couldn't really tell who it was.

A hand wrapped around her wrist right before she tried to punch the punching bag. A groan escaped Carol's lips as she tried to pull her hand back. "Just let go," it was Thor's voice that whispered in her ear.

But instead of letting go, she elbowed him in his stomach. She tried to slip away, but he was too strong. He wrapped his free arm around her stomach and lifted her up from the floor.

"Give up, Carol, you're not going to win this," he said, and she could imagine him smirking. Eventually she had to give up as she grew tired of fighting back.

Thor gently put her down on the floor and she faced him with a frown. "Why are you here Thor?" She asked, and a smal smile formed on his face.

"I want you to work together with me and our allies to rally an attack on Midgard," he whispered, looking at her fondly. The butterflies in her stomach went wild as she smiled back. She could finally get revenge on the Avengers, just like they deserved.

"But why are you here right now?" She said, leaning closer to him. "To take you to the meeting that was scheduled about ten minutes ago and you were informed about," he said, placing his hands on her waist.

"Hmm, I was not informed about anything," she smirked, tilting her head back and looking at his lips. Thor leaned closer to her lips and whispered, "well, get ready, we've been waiting for you."

Carol tried to close to space between their lips, but he pulled away before she could kiss him. He just left her alone in the gym again, and she cursed under her breath.

It took longer than expected for her to find her room again. She took a quick shower and changed into her suit, as it was the most comfortable for the situation. It was still odd that her communicator was missing, but she would ask Thor later.

She honestly had no clue where she was supposed to be, and she asked dozens of guards, who all send her in different ways. Eventually, at last, she found the meeting room.

She felt a little dizzy, but ignored the feeling. Though, it was a little odd.

But as soon as she stepped into the room she understood where the nauseating feeling came from.


What was that prick doing here?

Slowly a headache started torturing her, and her head felt foggy. She tried to walk towards one of the chairs, but couldn't reach it before crashing to the ground.

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