Thor x Carol - Darkness

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Warning: This One-shot contains subjects as depression and attempted suicide. If this could be triggering, don't read this.


It's been going on like this for months, and Carol couldn't stand it any longer. She would confront Thor with it, and not like all the times she asked it before, but genuinely confront him.

Thor has been acting differently. At first it were just small things, would say more often no to the kids when they asked him to play games with them. But after a while she started noticing he was getting up earlier than her, working out more. It didn't take Carol long to realize it was because he had nightmares more regularly. Sometimes he was talking so loud that she woke up, other times she woke up because of his screams. At those moments she would hold him, or at least, try to hold him close. Most times he would push her away and disappear to the training grounds again.

Carol started to get many questions from their three children, about where daddy went all the time, why daddy never wanted to play with them anymore, why daddy always looked tired. She never had the answers they were looking for, or hoping to hear. Resulting in the two youngest, Atreus and Athena, to burst into tears. Carol tried her best to comfort them, to console them and calm them again. Beatrice, their eldest, would help her too. She was very clever and might as well have noticed that something wasn't right.

Carol had offered Thor to go to earth and talk to a psychiatrist, but he had replied with a short huff and left her alone again. It started to take it's toll on her too, she couldn't do anything on her own anymore. She couldn't take care of the children while also watching her husband, to make sure he wouldn't do anything stupid.

One night at dinner things had gone horribly south. Carol had the worst night rest she had had in months. She had been sweating, had nightmares, and the moment she woke up she had ran to the bathroom because she had to throw up. Thor had slept through all of that, and she hadn't wanted to wake him, because this was the first night in weeks where he hadn't woken up screaming or panting. Carol had stayed in the bathroom for a while before the idea hit her that there was a change she might've gotten pregnant again. They hadn't been planning a fourth child yet, but it was what they both wanted. Right now was just the wrong time.

She didn't want to take a test yet, she didn't want to know yet. She had gone about her day as usual, only more tired. She snapped at nearly everyone, and she decided it was enough. She had brought their children to grandpa and granny, Odin and Frigga, so she and Thor could talk in private. They had talked, but not about Thor. Carol had accidently let her suspicions slip, and Thor's face lit up in hope. It was the first time she had seen him like this in months. He urged her to take a pregnancy test, but when she had told him that she wanted to wait, he had gotten incredibly sad. He had left her alone once again without a word.

That evening when they were having dinner, Thor hadn't been present. The children had once again bombed her with questions, but it was too much for her to bear. Carol had burst into tears right then and there. And when Frigga walked over to help her, she had stood up, shoving the chair back, and ran out of the room. When she was running through the hallways of the palace, nearly tripping over her robes at times, she noticed the rain and thunder outside. It shouldn't be raining, so only Thor could be causing this.

Carol stopped and closed her eyes, trying to think where Thor could be. Furiously hoping he would be there, she ran up the stairs to the highest balcony in the palace. Once she opened the doors, his shadowy figure stood there, on top of the stone railing. "Thor!" she yelled to him, but he didn't seem to hear her. Carol blinked against the raindrops or tears in her eyes, she couldn't tell at this point. She stepped further towards him, noticing he looked hesitant.

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