I stop in the lobby.  I use the phone.  I dial Rowan and Luta's home phone.

      It rings then someone picks up. "Hello?"  Luta answers. "Luta, can you and Rowan meet me at The Jasmine Dragon?"  She groans. "Yep, we can.  Give us like an hour."  "No, I mean like now."  "Forty five minutes."  "Fifteen?"  "Thirty, take it or leave it."  "Fine."  I hang up. 

     I grab a newspaper and I leave.  I make the walk across town to The Jasmine Dragon.  I sit down in a seat outside and I read my paper. 


     Today, the nineteenth of the first month of spring, an explosion rocked a Future Industries facility.  The CEO, Asami Sato, has put hundreds of thousands into said facility. 

      Also today, three warehouses caught fire at the South Eastern docks.  The authorities believe that the two cases are connected because Mrs. Sato's wife was seen at the docks minutes before and after.  Did the avatar sabotage the warehouses for her wife?  Read more about Future on page 2-B

     I turn the page. Lee approaches me. "Your usual, Governor Shen?" I nod. "Of course, and get Rowan and Luta's order ready." I check my watch. Ten minutes. "They'll be here in ten minutes." He nods. "Yes sir." He leaves.

I set my paper down. I see Rowan and Luta getting out of their car. They approach my table and they sit down. "You two are actually early. Good job." Lee comes back with our beverages.

Rowan takes a sip. "Thanks for the coffe, kid." Lee nods. "Of course." He leaves.

Rowan leans on the table. "Alright, what do you need Shen?" I look at the two. "How do I ask a woman out?" The two look at each other and they burst out laughing.

I sip some of my tea. I set it down. "Really." The stop laughing. "You're serious? Li told us about Jinora. Apparently you two have a past." I blush a little bit. "Uh that is confidential. Uh never mind that. We do have a decent friendship." Luta chuckles.

She grabs her husband's hand. "Kai, just be yourself. Don't even try to be formal, just be your goofy self."  Rowan nods.  "Yep.  How do you think I got Luta to marry me?"  We laugh. 

     I sigh.  "Jinora's just so pretty and beautiful.  I want to ask her on a date, how do I do that?"  The couple sighs. 

     Rowan takes a sip of coffee.  "You were already on a date, right?  Like you've gone on like two?  From what Li said."  I sit up.  "Those were dates?"  Rowan and Luta share another glance. 

      I look at them.  "What?"  "You're hopeless."  Rowan says.  I groan. 

     He gets up. "I see your girlfriend in the jewelry store across the street.  I am going inside to get you flowers to give her.  You say 'Jinora will you go on a date with me?' Then give her the flowers.  Understood?"  I nod.  "Okay, Anchor Clanker."  He groans and goes inside. 

     I look at Luta.  "Any advice Luta?"  She shakes her head.  "Do what Rowan says, and please be yourself.  You may be able to act all formal for your citizens, but everyone you're close to can tell you don't have a formal bone in your body."  I laugh.  "Thanks."  Rowan comes out with two bouquets of flowers. 

     He hands one to his wife.  "For my wonderful wife."  He hands a bouquet to me.  "And to Kai. Hopefully she'll say yes."  I take a deep breath.  I stand up and I adjust my suit.  "I am ready!"  I adjust my fedora.  "I am not ready!"  I sit down. 

       Rowan grabs my wrist and throws me out onto the road.  I scramble onto the sidewalk as a car narrowly misses me.  I glare at him.  "Did you try to kill me?!"  Rowan adjusts his cap.  "Sorry.  Just uh here."  He motions at the road.  "Cross it!"  He smiles.  

          I walk across the street holding the flowers behind my back. I bump into Jinora. She looks at me. "Oh, Kai! I had just seen you nearly get hit by a car!  Are you okay?"  I scratch the back of my neck.  "Yep."  I look back at my friends.  They're giving me a thumbs up. 

     I chuckle.  "Yeah, a uh friend accidentally nudged me into traffic." She looks at me. "What?!" I laugh. "He nudged me and I tripped over my own feet. Haha." I rub my neck.

Jinora adjusts my fedora. "I think you look pretty dapper in the hat if I do say so myself." I laugh. "Thanks. Oh!" I take the flowers from behind my back. "These are for you." She takes them. "Thank you Kai." I smile. "So, today the weather man said that this evening will be nice. Perhaps we could go on a romantic carriage ride through the city and maybe get dinner at a vegetarian restaurant." She nods. "I'd love to." I nod. "Uh, okay! Okay then! I will be at the airbender home at say, eight?" She nods. "Yeah, that'll be nice." We smile at each other. She walks off.

I walk back over to Rowan and Luta. Luta looks at me. "What'd she say?" "She said yes!" Rowan laughs. "Yes! Okay, let me get you ready!" I laugh. "No. I'm good. I am going to wear one of my suits. She said the fedora looks cute. Does it?!" Luta and Rowan look at me and they both nod. Rowan takes a sip of coffee. "Yep, totally, well good luck." I nod. "Thanks." I run to the road.

Rowan grabs my shirt collar. A car speeds by. We look at each other. "You really need to watch your step." I chuckle. I leave to get some work done.

A/N: Hello there!(General Kenobi[sorry couldn't resist]) anyway, I think I'm going to step away from this for a few days hopefully not for too long, but I'm just feeling really stressed and overwhelmed not because of this, but because of school, and so I'm just gonna take a break and I don't know how long I'll take it.

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