Asami's Facility

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      I walk to Asami's facility with Rohan.  Ikki is in a meeting all day today and we have nothing to do.  I called Asami to ask her if we can go tour her facility with her and her family.  She of course said yes. 

       Rohan and I wait at the entrance for her and her kids.  I look at Rohan.  He's looking at the keypad.  "Wow, I wonder if I can hack this?"  I glare at him.  "No, and please do not try to do that.  It probably costs more than we can afford."  He sticks his tongue out at me. 

     We see Asami's car coming up towards the facility.  I nudge Rohan.  He stands up straight.  We watch Asami drift into a parking space. 

    Her and Korra's three kids get out with her.  I look at them.  "How'd you do that?"  Asami twirls the keys on her finger.  "I didn't want to, but my three little rascals wanted me to."  She rubs her daughter, Katara, on the head with her free hand.  She puts the keys in her pocket.

Her son, Hiro, runs up to Rohan and jumps on my brother. "Mom! Look! I'm getting a free ride!" Asami and I laugh. Her youngest daughter, Juno, hides behind her. I smile at her and Juno waves at me timidly. Asami looks at the kids and I. "We should start the tour, hm?" Her kids jump up and down. "Yeah!" Her and I laugh.

Asami goes up to the keypad. She quickly taps a few buttons. The door slides open. We enter.

We look at the entrance. It's like a typical lab. A receptionist sitting at her desk, the smell of a dentist office, and the white paint. Asami waves at the receptionist. She looks to her kids and Rohan. "Do not touch anything. Uh, Jinora, one of my chief engineers would like to talk to you for a moment. Uh, Mrs. Xi will show you to her." The receptionist walks up to me. "Just follow me dearie." I nod. "Alright ma'am." I follow her.

As we go up the elevator and down the corridors the smell starts to change. From oil, to smoke, to some kind of salty smell, and to garbage. We stop outside of a door that smells pretty decent.

Mrs. Xi knocks. "Hey, Luna, the airbender girl is here." A young lady opens the door. She has a lab coat on over a turtleneck and slacks which matches well with her glasses and dark brown hair. The receptionist leaves.

The young lady holds out her hand and I shake it. "Hi, I have read all of your books, Master Jinora! Your adventures are amazing." I laugh. "Thank you, Luna is it?" She nods. "It is! Please, uh step into my office!" We go into her office.

It's neat and tidy. Everything is so clean. I can easily smell hints of vanilla. I sit down and she sits at her computer. I look at her. "Asami told me that you wished to see me?" She nods. "Yes, Mrs. Sato had told me about your dilema with rogue airbenders." I nod. "How will you as an engineer will help me?" She laughs. "I'm not offering my engineering skills to you, I am offering my psychology skills. I nod. "You're so—." "Young?" I nod.

She sighs. "I get that a lot. I graduated my high school at age ten. Graduated college the first time at age sixteen in the engineering and technology field. The second I went and majored in psychology I got out on my twenty first birthday." I nod. "Okay then, what about my airbender problem?" She gets on her computer. "I have predicted several moves of theirs. I knew one would hit the jewelry store across from The Jasmine Dragon in Old Ba Sing Se. The other one will either rob, wait, that cannot be right." I stand up. "What?" "The other one is most likely to hit here. We have a shipment of supplies coming in soon! That can't be right." She types on her computer. I hear a blast.

I run out of her office. I hop on an air scooter and I head to the source of the blast. I quickly speed through the halls.

The source is in a lab. I open the door. Asami, her kids, and Rohan all stood over a test tube with protective gear. I look at them. "What was the blast?" Asami holds up the test tube. "Don't worry, I was showing them one of our recipes for exploding gel. The kids wanted me to blow something up." I sigh. That's good.

We hear another blast. I look at Asami. She holds up her hands. "Wasn't me." I glance in the direction. "I think I know what it is! It's one of the rogue ones!" Asami nods. "Rohan get my kids to safety!" My little brother nods.

Asami and I run to the source. A tall, thin but muscular man stands beside a truck. He is dressed like the last one I encountered. Asami grabs a large conveniently placed wrench.

She glares at him. "You have two seconds before I come over there and beat you with my wrench." He looks at us. He drops his loot. He runs off. I stare at him. This isn't Kai either. Asami looks at me. "Did I scare him off?" I shrug.

A large shrill comes onto the intercom. "Mrs Sato! Master Jinora! Come quick to room twenty three!" Asami drops her wrench. We both run to the room.

Luna stood there staring inside. It was ransacked. She looks at us. "I helped the kids in here. I got knocked out. When I came to, they were gone." Asami looks at the room, and without saying a word she pulls me out to her car.

She races through the city. I'm in the passenger seat clutching the sides of her car. She runs several red lights and stop sighs. She also nearly hits a couple at an intersection. She then drifts into yet another parking spot outside of the capital building.

She storms out of the car. I follow her into the building. She storms into the room that Ikki and Korra had their big meeting in.

Everyone looks at her. She storms up to Shen and grabs him by the shirt. The two stay as is. "You son of a bitch. Where are my kids?" "What are you talking about?" She slams him onto the table causing his nose to bleed. He grabs his nose.

Korra looks at Asami. "Wait, what happened to the kids? Did something go wrong?" Asami nods. The two go out of the room.

Ikki looks at me. "Did something happen to Rohan too?" I nod. "Yes, he was with their kids." Shen dries his nose off.

I glare at him. I pick him up by the shirt and I slam him into the wall. "You lied. None of the airbenders are Kai. What did you really do with him?" He blasts me back with a gust of air.

He straightens his shirt. "I, am Kai." The others and I stare at him in disbelief.

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